Sunday, July 30, 2023

Nate Bargatze and A Donkey's Head in Fairyland


Don't know about anyone else, but I could surely do with something to make me laugh! What about you?  I watched a comedian on TV last night and I am hoping I can find a video for you....

There, hope you can see him!  The show we watched was called "The Tennessee Kid" because the comedian is Nate Bargatze and he is from Nashville, TN.  In his show, he talks about various things from his life and one of the things that he mentioned is that his father is a clown who later became a magician! (How could he NOT get into comedy, he asks us! LOL!)  I just looked up that special "The Tennessee Kid" and it was filmed in Duluth, Georgia in 2019. Gee, if only I had known about it, I could have been at that filming!  I don't know why I am just now hearing about him, ya'll probably know all about this comedian, but hey, I don't get out much! If you are able to see this special, I thought it was very funny.... I tried to find the bit where he talked about the film "The Sixth Sense" but couldn't find a clip, so now, you all will JUST have to see it!  The clip that I did give you above is about the airport, and I think is pretty funny also.

Before my computer completely freezes on me, I wanted to tell you that I saw the film "A Midsummer Night's Dream" from 1935! I am sure you all have heard of it, written by William Shakespeare, of course but have you read it? I haven't and neither have I seen a movie about it but now that I have.... just wondering, had Shakespeare been eating mushrooms when he wrote that? Oh dear, showing my uneducated self here but see that film and you will get what I mean. (Olivia De Havilland was the best acting done in that film, in my opinion.)  It also reminded me of a poem that had this line:  "Who but our friend Will would put a donkey's head in Fairyland?".  There, I am paraphrasing that since I can't find the exact quote, but I think you see how the poet came up with that!

The photo that I have above was taken in London back in 2019, so maybe that is why I missed that comedian when he was near me! Notice Shakespeare holding the skull, so that should remind you of Hamlet. Did you know that Shakespeare lost a son who was named "Hamnet"?  His son was only eleven years old, and a few years later, Shakespeare wrote "Hamlet".  (You might think that I wrote the son's name as a typo, but his son is "HAMNET", and the play is "HAMLET".)

Hope something here has made you laugh or brought a smile to you!
Richard took the above photo in a men's room and thought it was amusing. I mean, why would you wash your shoes in the sink? This was at the Botanical Gardens that we went to back in June. (This sign was NOT in the Ladies' room, only the Men's!) Anyway, if something makes you laugh, it's all good, I say! As long as it's not offensive or mean that is, and I meant to tell you that Nate Bargatze is considered a really nice guy and very funny without resorting to insults or bad language. So, YAY!

Take care, my friends and keep laughing!



  1. Yes, I've read that crazy "A Midsummer's Night Dream" and also saw the (absolutely terrible) 1935 Hollywood movie made of it. A better movie version was made in 2018 with an all-star cast, including Kevin Kline as Bottom with the donkey's head. Worth watching, if you can find it!

    And if you want to see a good movie about Shakespeare's son Hamnet, try to find "All Is True" (2018) directed by and starring Ken Branagh, with Judy Dench and Ian McKellen. It's great!

    1. You have given me two movies to look for, both made in 2018, isn't that interesting? I'm glad you agree with me about that 1935 film. I mean, I love Jimmy Cagney and Mickey Rooney but they were just too, too much for me in that one!

    2. Sorry, Kay -- I just realized I gave you the wrong date for the Kevin Kline "Midsummer Night's Dream" movie -- it was released in 1999. But 2018 is the right date for "All Is True."

    3. And you can rent or buy them both from Amazon Prime Video.

  2. I must admit, I have never liked clowns (not even when I was little), and most magicians leave me cold. As for comedians, I need to be in the mood, and there are some whose jokes I simply don‘t get. But I love a good (or even just plain silly) joke!
    Shakespeare… hmm… never really read any of his works nor seen a play, and it has nothing to do with English not being my first language.
    Of course I know the very basic basics about Hamlet, King Lear, Summernight‘s Dream, Romeo and Juliet etc., but that‘s about it, I‘m afraid. Maybe one day I shall look into it all more closely.
    May you always find something (and someone) to make you laugh, dear Kay - laughter is so good, and important!

    1. Shakespeare has some beautiful language in his plays and some perfect observations on people but that Donkey's head one like you when you have to be in the right frame of mind for a comedian, maybe I need the same thing for Shakespeare!

  3. Thanks. I can't see washing shoes in the men's room.

    1. I can't really see why that sign was there. Perhaps they had had workers on the grounds and they had cleaned their shoes too often in the sink? No idea but we found it amusing!

  4. I've never heard of Nate Bargatze so I watched this clip plus a few more. He's really good and fun to watch. Clowns are so creepy and I'm glad my Dad wasn't one! Does anyone really like clowns? I haven't found too many folks that do. Why is there a sign like that in the men's room? Well, I have a theory. It has to do with how men pee and let's face it..some guys may not have good aim. Just sayin'! Thanks for the laughs today!

    1. Folks used to love clowns, I think but thanks to Stephen King, they are just considered weird and creepy! Men's rooms are a mystery to me. In the 1970's at rock concerts, I used to see some girls go into the men's rooms so they wouldn't have to wait in long lines but you know I never did!!

  5. I do think Shakespear was on something. Who knows? He is funny my and I have never heard of him.

    1. Maybe he was telling us that most men are really asses? HA!

  6. It must be a joy to be able to make people laugh.

    Yes, I've read Midsummer Night's Dream and seen it performed, it's a hoot. I don't think The Bard was on anything, he was just trying to make the audience laugh, and they would have been familiar with the supposed habits of fairies and their tricks.

    I can see a fastidious gent at a botanical garden getting upset about all the stuff that can get on your shoes in such a place and wanting to clean it off right away.

    1. Oh, my dear, we don't have too many fastidious gents in Georgia so I can't believe that's the reason! LOL! You know, after I read over my post, I thought to myself that Shakespeare was just trying to make people laugh just like Nate is in these modern times. In fact, I couldn't help but notice that William Shakespeare and Nate Bargatze even share a slight resemblance. Isn't that funny too? I will give that play another try and maybe I will be more open to it!

  7. I enjoyed this post. Yes, that sign in the men's room made me laugh. Didn't know that Shakespeare had a son named Hamnet. Who knew?

    1. See the comment above from Debra! (She Who Seeks). I am going to try and see that film she told me about!

  8. I do enjoy a man who can make me laugh. A Midsummer Night's Dream has long been my favorite of Shakespeare's plays. My oldest grandson played Puck in his high school's performance. And who on earth would put their shoes in a public bathroom sink?

    1. One thing is for sure, your grandson would have been a much better Puck than Mickey Rooney! (I thought Mickey Rooney was great in everything except in that one play in 1935!) A Midsummer Night's Dream....the title alone should have made it a popular play for our friend, Shakespeare!

  9. Hey! I just saw A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Shakespeare Tavern in downtown Atlanta. If you get the chance, you should go. It is a really fun place to go and the play was great.

    1. Hey! Thanks for telling me. I guarantee it would be better than that film from 1935! 😊

  10. Yes...I certainly could do with a good laugh...they have been very few and very far between for me of late.

    Take good care, Kay...

    1. Happy to make you smile or laugh! Take good care of yourself too! Next time remember to type your name at the end so I will know who is leaving comment! Thanks!!

  11. Hamnet? Wow! I've never even heard of that name. I just looked it all up and learned that all of Shakespeare's grandchildren died without heirs so there is no direct descendent of the bard of Avon.

    1. That is sad, isn't it? I want to get to Stratford Upon Avon one day, along with all the other tourists!

  12. I liked the latest movie of MSND...
    And maybe men and boys like to step in the mud puddles?? Lol

    1. I will have to check out that new version! Muddy shoes for the men and boys, I guess so but guess the women are smart and don't get in the mud! Ha!

  13. Richard takes photo's in the mens room? I will watch out for him!

    1. Haha, you better! (He was in the only one in there so no one's privacy was invaded.)

  14. I love a comedian who can take a situation that most of us could have been in and turn it into something hilarious, remind us to look for the funny side. I really enjoyed that clip. Thanks.
    I remember traipsing along with my English class to see A Midsummer Night's Dream on stage and being sure the nuns had made a mistake and taken us to the wrong show. Surely they couldn't approve of a character named Bottom??

    1. Oh, I am so glad you liked that funny clip! He has more on YouTube if you want to check out more funny bits!
      Bottom as a character and a man turning into an ass, humor for the common man, I suppose in those days! LOL!

  15. I learned something new today, did not know that about Shakespeare. Thoroughly enjoyed your post and the funny sign in the men’s loo.

    1. Thank you, Denise! Hope you are doing well in Virginia. x

  16. I always like a laugh. When we were in Ireland last week I loved the loos in our hotel. They changed colour, yes they really did! Talk about magic mushrooms, I really wondered if there was something wrong with me at first!! I may put that in my next blog post, as I took some photos.

    1. Oh, that's wonderful! Look forward to seeing the changing color loos in Ireland! :-) Lovely to see your comment here, Jenny Woolf!
