Thursday, August 17, 2023

Flipping Caterpillars!


The above butterfly is a Red Spotted Purple. (I didn't name it, folks! Just telling you that is what it is! Limenitis arthemis.) Butterflies are so amazing, their whole life cycle! Now, I must tell you about something (and you might have a clue from my post title)....

Yesterday, I was astonished to witness something on the small sassafras tree beside our walkway.  It was a spicebush swallowtail caterpillar.  As I was watching it, it began moving on the leaf. It would appear that something was moving out of its mouth...but I have told you before that the false "eyes" are really at the BACK END of the what I was seeing was the caterpillar sending out the sticky substance to enclose itself inside the leaf. Now, here is the thing...the caterpillar completely turned itself around in a blink of an eye! Truly, it was just like that! One micro-second it was turned with the fake eyes on the top and then, the fake eyes were at the bottom! Flipping caterpillars, Batman!  (Sorry, watched too much TV as a kid.) 

If you came across a children's play area beside a hiking trail and there were no children around, would you play?  You know I did! I left this table with the blocks neatly stacked this way.  It looked much better than seeing it with the blocks all scattered!

"Summer Lightning" by Ralph McTell. 

Hope you like this song as much as I do! Richard can play this on the guitar and he is just as good as Ralph McTell! I promise he is!

Take care, everyone!  August has been a crazy month! (I just typed "moth" instead of "month", but for me and my research on moths and butterflies, maybe I got that right the first time!)


  1. Butterflies are kind of magical, aren't they! And sheesh, is that Stonehenge Jenga?

    1. I was hoping someone would think of Stonehenge! I do have that English heart, you know.

  2. The title of this post immediately made me think of my mother-in-law. Mary would never use vulgar language of any kind, but she will say "flippin' 'eck" (flipping heck) when other people would use another word beginning with f.
    Flippin' caterpillars :-D
    Butterflies and moths are amazing and beautiful. I often see them but rarely manage (or even attempt) to take a picture, as I am usually way too slow for them.

    1. PS: You know I would have played there, too! Whenever I pass a playground and the swings are free and not many people about, I have to have a go!

    2. Haha, you know I have heard "flipping 'eck" when I've been in England! I love to observe nature and that particular caterpillar was on the perfect leaf for me, directly at eye level!

  3. That is a lovely thing to see, children's play blocks on the trail, and everyone playing nicely and leaving them there for the next person. I would have had a go too. I like your construction. What an incredible sight, to have spotted the caterpillar working on his enclosure, and it seems doing gymnastics in the process. Your observation powers are incredible! Well done!

    1. Oh thank you! There is one thing I can do, I can look at something and give it my full attention if it is something that I think deserves my attention! These poor butterflies and wildflowers around here are stared down by me at all times. LOL!

  4. Interesting description of the caterpillar, but I have a hard time visualizing it. Love that butterfly with no red spots in sight...

    1. Look at butterfly again, on the upper wings there are bits of color, although they look orange to me! And it's hard to describe how quickly that caterpillar turned upside down. It was quicker than a blink of an eye. It was as if he had turned himself inside out and then, moved his top to his bottom. Oh well, they do transform, don't they!

  5. Butterflies are all so Beautiful!
    And yes...I'd also play! Like how you arranged the blocks!

  6. You spied a truly rare nature experience. Rare because not many folks will have seen that! I love seeing the butterflies on my flowers and have caught a few on camera. I would have stacked the blocks too! We have a wooded trail that has a storybook along the trail for kiddos but I always take the time to read it along the path. Never lose that childlike wonder!

    1. Absolutely! Stay curious and open to play! My Daddy always did!!

  7. Moths and caterpillars are amazing, I do enjoy taking pictures of them any time I can, which is not often.

    I would have done something silly, like set the blocks up to resemble Stonehenge. The children might not have noticed, but I can imagine an adult or two snickering about it.

    1. You know, when I left those blocks that way, it made me think of the people who had arranged the stones at Stonehenge all so long ago. I hope it made folks think of it and marvel at what ordinary people can do.

  8. Gosh! You playing on kids play areas? I would never have thought it...

    1. Haha, I see my attempts at pretending to be a serious adult haven't worked!

  9. That is amazing, amazing!!!!!

    1. Nan, you would have been "flipping" out over that sight just like me!!

  10. The McTell song is wonderful. I bought a Sandy Denny movie from Amazon Prime, and I believe he features in it. (I haven't watched it for a while)

    1. I will have to try and find that film! Ralph McTell is so good!! I've written of him before. I might have to do another post about him!!

  11. I found a video of Streets of London, which I had never heard. I just cried.At Glastonbury last year.

    1. Nan!!! "Streets of London" is so good, isn't it? Ralph is the full package, a great songwriter, singer and guitarist! I did a post one time that I shared a video where he did "Streets of London" with a group of people who were formerly homeless. Many of his videos are showing that they are no longer available to view. I think that this is one that had gone away, so I'm glad you got to hear it. Be sure to search out "Alphabet Zoo" for your grandchildren! You can say it's for the kids but you will love the songs too. "Impala" and "Holly the Hedgehog" are two faves of mine. Ralph Mctell us from Croydon, just like my Richard!

  12. Dear Kay, having been away for many months from reading blogs and posting on my own, I had forgotten how your postings always teach me something about music OR always introduce me to a new way of looking at something or someone. Your natural curiosity about all of life makes your postings a delight to read. thank you so much for sharing with us always your love of music and of nature. Peace from Dee Ready and the cats

    1. Dear Dee, Thank you so much for your comment! You are always so kind. If you have been away for many months, it must mean that you have been so due to health reasons. Does that mean you are doing better now? I sincerely hope so. The love of music and nature, the sound of even those words brings me peace. Take care! And I am not sure why you have to put your comment under anonymous, that also means I can't click on your name and get to your blog! Come back and tell me and I will read your new post! x

  13. Dear Kay, yes, I have been having health problems, but things seem on the upswing right now--I'm hoping that this phase lasts! As to the "anonymous," I haven't been able to do the "manage your comments" on blogger and so my name doesn't appear and also I can't respond to comments on my own blog. I hope my niece will be able to help me with this. I haven't posted since March, but I'm hoping that soon I'll also be able to do that. Take care. Be good to yourself. Peace from Dee and the cats.

    1. Thanks very much for your reply, my dear! I do hope that the upswing towards good health will continue for you. I do love your way with words, "upswing" just makes me feel good. I struggle a bit with blogging myself these days. I must admit that I even have to work hard at even operating my phone. Take care of yourself! xx

    2. Thank you! Peace from Dee
