Wednesday, July 19, 2023

I Can Help


"Is that a bag of trash?"

"No, it's a person!"

Recently, Richard and I walked on a trail.  We have to drive our car to the trail and as were leaving, I looked over and in the middle of the road, there was a .... I couldn't quite make it out, it looked like a big garbage bag that might have fallen off a truck but there was an unusual bit sticking up and... I realized that the bit sticking up was a human arm.  I jumped out of the car and went running over, and I saw some other walkers not too far away and shouted that someone had passed out in the road. (My reasoning was that it might be a good idea to have others surrounding the boy in the road, one must always consider cars approaching!) All of them came straight over. This was indeed a young boy, unconscious but with his arm straight up in the air and his other hand clutching a cell phone. What would you do? This is what I did: I was prepared to do CPR on him.  (Hey, I have never done it before and I have only taken one class on it, but I was ready.) Before I even got to him, I was talking to him...."Hey, hey- can you hear me?" I got to him and started to touch his neck but then, he moved his eyes.  He sat up and rather than looking like a big lump of clothes, very suddenly he looked like just what he was: a young teenager who was hot and needed water. Don't worry, Richard was already on it- he supplied him with one of the cool bottles that he always has for us. His mother came running up the trail to us. Turns out, he and his mother had hiked for several miles and in the heat... we asked if we could do anything for them and she told us that we could drive them back to their starting point which is just what we did.

Now, I wondered about telling y'all about this. I didn't really do anything, it was just that I was prepared to help if I could. It was such a scary thing, truly it was, but I really was ready to do CPR if I needed to do so!

Well, thank goodness all was well with that young man but one never knows what can happen!

Okay, let me just try to regroup here and think about some photos and a song....

I am showing you some random photos that Richard has taken over the past months as we were walking on some of our local trails. (Oh, except the turtle photo, that was in our own backyard! What? You didn't know we have a wildlife refuge? We do!) That big black snake was right across our path on a trail, and it crawled up right beside that big log and would you believe it, you would never have known it was there. If you are ever hiking in the woods and feel tired, you might not want to sit down on a log.  If you are in Georgia, there might be a snake sidled alongside it! (Please note, that particular snake is not venomous, but I still don't want to be right beside it.)

This past weekend, I walked out my front door and at the bottom of our steps, there was a big turtle on its back! Oh no! I yelled for Richard, but I couldn't wait for him to see this, I had to help the poor creature! Over on its correct side it went, and is it my imagination, or did he (or she) look grateful? 

Hope you are all doing well, my friends.  Stay cool! And be helpful when you can!


  1. You have a kind heart, there can never be too much kindness in this world. You were ready to help the young man and you turned the turtle over and back onto its feet; two good deeds. Well done.

    1. Thanks, but I am sure anyone would have done the same. After all, those folks came running straight over when they heard me yelling! As for the turtle, I will always try to turn a turtle back on its right side, and I hope anyone else would do the same!

  2. I've heard it's really hot in that part of the USA at the moment. A kind deed and I bet they were both glad you helped out. I passed out in Australia once with the temperature over 100 degrees and you don't get any warning before toppling over. Bob.

    1. Oddly enough, it wasn't overly hot that morning. I wonder if that gave the mother a false sense of security and she felt that she could hike for miles and miles with her son without taking water with them. Not sure but just glad that no one hit him when he was in the road! And Bob, that must have been scary for you, to pass out like that!

  3. Rescuing dehydrated teenagers and flipped over turtles -- you've had a busy week! And you're adding to your Karma bank balance!

    1. You do make me laugh, Debra. As I said, anyone would have done the same once it was realized it was a human being in the middle of the road.

  4. What do you mean you didn't do anything?? You were wonderful to help that young man because in this day and age we have become a bit leery when it comes to helping it a true emergency? A scam? A person trying to lure us over and then do us harm? See where I'm going here...I watch way too much Dateline! Anyway, you did just the perfect thing for that person and also for the turtle! You have a good heart! Stay cool my friend!

    1. Hey Yaya, you know I am a big fan of Dateline too and I also don't usually trust things around me. Anyone would have been nuts to plop themselves down in the middle of a road in the USA in order to scam someone! It is scary to think of those who come to harm when they are only trying to help. And we really only gave them water and a ride when you come down to it, but I was READY to do CPR and that actually surprised me, I am such a scaredy cat! LOL!

  5. You are most kind! Linda in Kansas

    1. Hey Linda, thanks! Read the above replies to the comments! :-)

  6. What a strange incident! How odd that the boy was on his own even though he was actually hiking with his mother. But all's well that ends well! Hopefully, they have both learned from it, and next time they go hiking on a hot day (or even when it's not so hot), they come better prepared.
    The turtle was lucky that you came along and did not hesitate to turn it over! That black snake is beautiful. I like snakes, and as we don't have any really dangerous ones over here, the only reason I would mind finding myself unexpectedly next to one is that I don't wish to bother them - it's me who intrudes into their world, after all.
    I know you and Richard have a deep respect and true love for all creation, same as I.
    M xxx

    1. Yes, indeed. They have signs on the trail telling people to respect the wildlife. We are the guests in THEIR home! So true! Still, I am from the South and while I find snakes interesting, I like to give them a wide berth.
      It was a strange incident regarding the young boy. I say boy because he was but he was quite tall, taller than I am, and therefore, I had no idea of his age when I came upon him. We had passed by him on the trail and he was walking slowly but as he had earbuds on, we thought he was either listening to music or a podcast. (More listen to podcasts these days, mostly without earbuds!) Other than walking slowly, he seemed fine at the time. As you say, always have water! Richard always has some in a cool pack for us and now, I guess for others! (Oddly enough, that same week, I arrived home and saw Richard in our front yard giving ANOTHER young man a bottle of water! It was someone who came by wanting to sell us something and Richard felt sorry for him, it was a very hot day! The look on that man's face! Surprised and touched, I should say.)
      Yes, my friend- a deep respect for all creation, just like you! xx

  7. I think you are to be commended for what you did which was go to the assistance of another human being who was in apparent or real danger. Good for you.

    1. Oh, thank you, Graham. I know for certain you would do the same. x

  8. Wow, I can imagine your fright. Glad Richard supplied him with water and that you were able to drive them to their starting point. BTW, snakes are prohibited in Hawaii. I hate snakes, they give me the creeps.

    1. I am always surprised at many snakes we see in Georgia! Not just on our trails but in our yard! Still, they are part of nature and must be respected. Doesn't mean I have to pet one though! LOL!

  9. That was a scary moment. I hope the young man is okay. We should all be ready to help.

  10. Your quick thinking may well have saved the young man's life, you recognized someone in need and you stepped in, that's the important part.

    I like the turtle photo, and i'd love to study the snake further (yes, i'm weird, i like snakes).

    1. The main thing, I was so concerned about him being in the middle of the road! It only takes one driver looking at their phone sending a text and they could have run him over! As I've said, we didn't do much and I hesitated to tell y'all this story, but it really happened to us and well, it was scary!

  11. Thank God for people like You!! Well Done!
    Snakes are not my favorite thing in the
    Happy weekend!

    1. Hey Donna!
      I once found a snake in the house and the sound that I made...a sort of low scream combined with a son said he wished he could have recorded it for a horror movie! It was from the heart, honey! LOL!!

  12. Wow I am so glad he is ok how lucky he was you were there to make sure he didn't get run over!
    Snakes of any kind no thank you

    1. It was astonishing how easily he could have been mistaken for a bag of trash in the road, we almost thought so. And I will remember not to rest on a log in the woods, there might be a snake that I can't see!! x

  13. Well done you. Our daughter once fainted in the heat of the London underground and NO ONE came to her assistance! She was very miffed and said she was well dressed at the time. I think drink and drug usage has made people very cautious. My husband once helped a young man up in the street who then lashed out at him. Nevertheless I'm going to practise my CPR!
    I would run a mile from that snake, poisonous or not!
    Not a poisonous snake

    1. Oh yes, of course everyone should be very cautious. What a shame that no one came to your daughter's aid! I've read that should you ever have to do CPR, it would most likely be on a loved one. I have seen things on TV where folks have used CPR on someone and they didn't have any training, just thought how it should be done from watching it on TV! Guess TV and films might be useful after all!
      And thanks for your comment, if you just type in your first name at the end next time, I will know who are! Ta! x
