Tuesday, July 11, 2023



There is an article in Newsweek magazine that mentions the magnificent monadnocks right here in Georgia!  You can see it just

here.   Even though it pleases me to know that Arabia Mountain is included in this article, I am just a teensy bit annoyed about it.


The piece is entitled "The Weirdest, Most Extraterrestrial Spots You Can Visit Here On Earth".  Oh dear, I do wish that we could somehow convey our astonishment at natural beauty without it sounding as if we are on another planet. For one thing, the photo that they give you of Arabia Mountain is at the very top and is therefore the most rock that you will see. (They compare it to a moon scape, I think, and trust me, it is breathtaking to see it!) However, if you care to look back at my blog and see all the posts that I have written about Arabia Mountain, Panola Mountain and Stone Mountain, you will see the amazing wildflowers and trees that grow there! And the rock itself is amazing!  Weird? Oh my goodness, I think not!  Arabia Mountain, Panola Mountain and Stone Mountain are all beautiful, each in their own way and if you ever spend any time at any of them, you will see this!

"The Magnificent Places on Earth that Only Appear Other-Worldly Because We Are Heavily Influenced by TV and Films"- there, could that be a better title for this piece in Newsweek?  

Arabia Mountain

Panola Mountain

Stone Mountain (That's Atlanta on the horizon)

These are all in the Atlanta area. We are not in the mountains! The monadnocks rise up from the surrounding landscape. Stone Mountain is the largest while Arabia Mountain is the oldest. They are millions of years old! 

Funny thing, I was really just going to tell you that the WORDLE today was the word "EARTH". And you will never guess, I got it on the first try!  Was it because I was thinking about this article in Newsweek or because when I asked Richard what should our first word be today, he replied, "No EARTHLY idea"?  Ha ha, we will never know now, I just know that I am pleased that I got Wordle with the first word that I entered and also, that we live near these wondrous rocks of beauty!  Take care everyone and try very hard not to get even the teeniest bit annoyed like me! LOL!

Richard took this video of the yellow daisies at the base of Stone Mountain, years ago.  They will be just this pretty this September also!


  1. They don't look like other worlds to me, they look like the beautiful Earth the Good Lord created in all its uniqueness and splendor. Thank you so much for sharing these amazing places on your blog.

    1. God made not man made! I am so happy that you know about our "mountains" even if you've never been here!

  2. Replies
    1. Did you look at the link and see all those places? Truly fascinating even if I didn't like the words with it.

  3. You have a much more profound understanding of the significance of your mountain!

    1. To be fair, I have spent many years in observation on these monadnocks!

  4. I really don't like such comparisons, or the need for superlatives. Nature itself is "super" enough without journalists coming up with slogans like that :-D
    Some cities call themselves something like "Venice of the North" (because they happen to have a few canals or other waterways run through them), instead of looking at what makes them unique.

    1. It must be the same in every language, making these comparisons that are unnecessary. You might know these monadnocks better than many people who live here, I have spent so much time describing them here!

  5. Most media just annoys me. :<)

    1. Me and you both, Nan! I do have a great fondness for Wordle though. 😊

  6. Hi there, Kay, long time no see. I enjoyed scrolling through your blog, and it's magnificent! As for Newsweek, well, I guess it's nice to be noticed, eh? Your mountains are beautiful, and they look like mountains, after all. Take care, my friend. Aloha from Hawaii.

    1. Aloha! I have had the worst time leaving comments on your blog, Gigi but I hope I've figured out that I have to fill in the bottom part with my name, email and blog name! Thanks for your comment from lovely Hawaii! Love to you and David. xx

  7. It is all very beautiful Kay. And those wildflowers are stunning. The one place I remember going to was Stone Mountain many, many years ago. One day I hope to get to Georgia to see all these places. I like to keep an open mind wherever we visit so don’t pay much attention to what I see or hear. I remember not going to an area on a road trip out west because we met some travelers who told us to avoid it as it was awful. We went elsewhere but the following year, we visited the place because of our curiosity. It was wonderful and I learned my lesson. Loved all your photos and video. Thank you :)

    1. Denise, thank you for your comment! Stone Mountain is an amazing spot, truly it is! I think we should keep an open mind about everything, don't you? We are very much influenced by the media even if we don't realize it though. And you know sometimes folks can go on and on about something and it builds itself up in our minds and when we see it or experience it, we are disappointed. (I try not to watch movie previews or "trailers" as they are called now. Sometimes, they show much more than I want to see!) Happy you liked the wildflowers too! Guess what??? Those yellow daises are growing in my backyard just now! One year, I got some seeds and planted them in a pot. I left the pot in my yard after it flowered and it dropped seeds all over!! Now, for years I get to enjoy the yellow daisies in my own yard. (Note, the seeds I got were on the side of the road, and I did NOT take seeds from any of the monadnocks!!) Yellow daisies also grow in this county just on the roadside, if you know where to look! :-)
