"The happiest days are when babies come"...that quote is from Melanie Wilkes from the movie, "Gone With The Wind".
I THINK that is the exact quote but like a lot of movie quotes, I often remember them incorrectly. "Play it again, Sam"...that line is famously quoted from the great movie , "Casablanca" but it was really "Play it, Sam". It's funny how our memories play tricks on us that way...you can be very certain of something you have seen or heard but when it is played back for you, you realize that you have gotten it wr....wr....wrong. There, I said the W word, I don't like that word! HA!
One thing I wonder if you know about the movie, "Gone With The Wind"...it had its premiere in Atlanta on Dec. 13, 1939 at the Loew's Grand Theatre. You may read all about it here.
Hattie McDaniel and Butterfly McQueen were not invited to attend the premiere. I have read that because of this, Clark Gable also did not want to go. Hattie McDaniel convinced him that he just HAD to attend. Now, I don't know about anyone else...but I always liked Clark Gable and that is just a little story that makes me like him all the more. (Hattie McDaniel won the Oscar as Best Supporting Actress in this movie. It has been said that she won it because of the snub at the premiere but I invite you to watch her performance. I think she deserved it.)
In Atlanta, there is a very large painting of the Battle of Atlanta from the Civil War called the Cyclorama. When Clark Gable saw it, he joked that it had everything except Rhett Butler. Afterwards, a figure of a man was added with large ears...it was said that this was in homage to Clark Gable! It amuses me to think of the roar of laughter from Clark Gable when he found out that this was done!
Hey! Things have been a bit crazy for me recently. Busy at work, busy at home....busy! I don't know where the day goes...before I know it, it is "gone with the wind"!
But I won't think about that right now. I will think about it tomorrow.
After all, tomorrow is another day!
Buildings of downtown Atlanta from the top of Panola Mountain....through a heat haze! |
In the photo above, do you see the building that is kind of like a stairstep? That is the Georgia Pacific Tower and it was built on the site of where the Loew's Grand Theatre once stood.
(Sadly, the Loew's Grand burned down in 1978.)
The Georgia Pacific Tower is the main headquarters for Georgia Pacific but there are others who have offices there including the Consulate General of the United Kingdom.