Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The North Wind Doth Blow (And There Shall Be Snow)


The North wind doth blow

and we shall have snow.

And what will the robin do then, poor thing?

He will sit in a barn and keep himself warm

and hide his head in his wing, poor thing!

Mother Goose was a favorite of mine growing up and sometimes phrases come to me unexpectedly!  We are experiencing snow in the South for the second time this month.  This second snow, we didn't get nearly as much snow in Georgia as they did in Louisiana or Florida! (Did you see the photos from Pensacola Beach, Fl and New Orleans, La? Wow!) Still, because we had that cold, cold air already, once the snow fell, it made our roads in the Atlanta area very dangerous. Our temps have not gotten above freezing for the past 72 hours. We are being told to stay indoors here in our county as some roads that are very icy have been closed. 

So, what to do? Why, feed the birds, of course! And enjoy their antics! And that poem about the robin being cold?  Well, I am sure you all know that birds keep themselves warm by FLUFFING up their feathers! I remember seeing a robin in England that was so puffed up, it reminded me of a tennis ball! 

Still, this cold weather makes it difficult to do our outdoor walking, so it seems that January has lasted forever. (We have walked in below freezing weather with a stiff wind upon us, and THAT is what made me think of that Mother Goose poem!)  Now, is there something that defines January going on for a very long time?  Surely there must be!

Thirty days hath September,

April, June and November.

Unless a leap year is its fate

February hath twenty -eight.

All the rest hath three days more,

excepting January,

which hath six thousand,

one hundred and eighty-four.     

Ha! Isn't that funny?  I swear that would not have made me laugh any other January except this one in 2025!   The poem is by Brian Bilston and he is a Brit! Personally, I think we need to find more things to make us laugh these days.  (Or at least giggle and guffaw a bit!)  Tee hee, if you look up that poet on his website, on the "about" section, he simply states, "I write poems".  There, enough said! Here is his website:   Brian Bilston   His list of unpublished poems is pretty funny.

These are photos of the first snow we had which was much better at making a snowman!  This poor guy was melting after 2 days in the sun but I bet he looked great when he was new! It was fun to drive past all the yards with the snowmen proudly still standing! You can just imagine how much fun the kids had in making them. 

I even made a very small snowman with sunflower seeds for eyes....

Can you see that the cardinal has found the "eyes" of the snowman? "Thank you!", the female cardinal seems to be saying!

Do you need to paint something white? I think "snowman's bone" would be very white, don't you? 

                          Stay warm!  And January will be over soon! 

Hey! I wrote a post in 2017 about the most snow that I had ever seen. We drove through a blizzard in South Georgia in 1973. You may read it just  here!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

With Love and Respect -Jimmy Carter, Our 39th President


The State Funeral was held for Jimmy Carter today at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.  I found it to be very moving.

 In case you missed it, it is on YouTube from several sources. I have it above for you. I think it was just over 3 1/2 hours, but it is absolutely worth watching every minute, I promise.  If you don't have time to watch it all, just go forward until you are at the 2:44 time.  That is when Andy Young delivered the Homily.  Please, be sure and listen to that. (For some reason, the camera is mostly on the ex-Presidents at that time, but it is Andy Young that I want you to hear.) As one of the TV announcers pointed out afterwards, Andy Young spoke most eloquently and without looking at any notes.

As you all know, Jimmy Carter was from Plains, Georgia. (Although he really was from a place even smaller, a community about 3 miles from Plains called "Archery".)  He wrote of his upbringing during the Depression in his book, "An Hour Before Daylight". I highly recommend it!

                  Washington, D.C.  -  Jan. 8, 2025  (When Jimmy Carter was lying in state at the Capitol) Richard got this photo from the TV because I asked him to take it! Look at the heavenly sunset.

With love and respect, that is one of the phrases that I remember from this service.  It is with love and respect that I will remember him. He is our longest living U.S. President and the only one from my home state.


There was another service that they showed on the local Atlanta station this evening. It was from Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, where he taught Sunday School for many years.   Jimmy Carter will be laid to rest in Plains, Georgia, beside his wife of 77 years, Rosalynn Carter.  (I am thankful that all these services happened before tomorrow as Georgia will have a "weather event".  Snow is predicted!  Wish us luck, Southern folks can't handle snow.)

"Let There Be Peace on Earth (And Let It Begin with Me").

Can I hear an "Amen"?  AMEN!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Good Things! Happy 2025!


Had an eye exam lately? No? Well, you should!

I recently had one and was asked if I wanted to pay extra for a digital test to get a better picture of the retina. The machine is called "Octomap".  You know I said "yes"! (You look into the machine and have to push a button when you see the green light. I think I am remembering this correctly!)

The company that makes the machine is "OPTOS". It was invented by a man from Scotland named Douglas Anderson after his son lost all vision in his left eye in 1990.  Interesting to me, Douglas Anderson had nothing to do with the medical field. (His background was in industrial engineering design.)  He had been told by his son's doctors that with the available tests that they were able to get "only a glimpse" of his son's eye. Mr. Anderson is in the Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame.  You can read more about him here.  I also have a video for you!

I love finding out about people who have brought good things into the world.  I find it interesting that the company founded by Robert Anderson is based in Dunfermline, Scotland.  When I read that it rang a bell for me...isn't there someone else associated with that town? I looked it up, Dunfermline also is the birthplace of Andrew Carnegie! (I hope you know who he is, I have written about him before!)

Along with the theme of good things in the world, I'm sure you all must have heard that Jimmy Carter died at the age of 100 in Plains, Georgia. What good work this former President of the United States has done! Perhaps all that he has done is not that well known in other countries, but it should be now that he has passed away. (Why do we never highlight a great person's life until they have left us?) I am very proud to say that he is a fellow Georgian, just like me. I thought he and his wife were just wonderful people. Wish we had more like them. 

We are almost into the new year now. I am wishing all of you good things.  I just read the last post I did last year, and I will echo that and say, "Here's to 2025 and all who sail in her!"

A few photos for you that Richard took at Christmas....

Good things? Custard creams really are!

My favorite ornaments: Joseph's Coat of Many Colors and Jacob's ladder that Christopher made at Sunday school when he was only 5. The little red bear came with a potholder but it didn't have a face. I sewed one for him! And I crocheted quite a few snowflakes too! (The black tea ornament is brand new this year from a dear friend.) 

Note: I have a plaid blanket as a tree skirt and at the top of my tree is a "glitter" ink pen! They have very expensive "bits" that you can buy to go around the base of the Christmas tree, called "collars". I used bright red foil paper that stands up very nicely! Anybody wants to know how to save money, just ask me! HA!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Like Mr. Peanut says, "Let's SHELL-ebrate" and have "a nut to celebrate"!

OH!  Before I forget, the Wallace and Gromit film will be on Netflix on this Friday, January 3rd!  PLEASE, don't miss it!  I think I have read that it has gotten a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. That is an amazingly rare thing!  (Those of you in the UK have already gotten to see this, you lucky people!)

If I can't bring good things into the world, it is my job to point them out!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Good King Wenceslas/ See Amid the Winter's Snow


"Good King Wenceslas" is a song that I never heard until I was an adult.  It was on a cassette tape of Christmas songs that I bought in England in 1985. That particular version is very similar to the one that I have here for you, with the one male voice very deep and strong and the other male voice, in a high child's voice. Listen to it and see if you think as I do, that it is most effective that way.

It is appropriate that I share this with you today as it is St. Stephen's Day! (Saint Stephen is the first martyr of Christianity.) In my generation, many of the guys had the name of Stephen, shortened to "Steve". Thinking back on my childhood, I am remembering that in one of my classes, we had four boys named "Steve"!  (Also, in that very same class, we had four Michaels, all called Mike too!)  I think those eight guys all liked it as the teacher tended to ask questions of the few boys who were not "Steve" or "Mike"! 

Now, where was I before I got to thinking about all those STEVES and MIKES? Oh yes, music, of course!

I hope you all know that I love so much of the Christmas music! I love all the hymns and all the popular songs, and I love even the obscure strange ones that no one else knows! 

Sometimes you might enjoy a song in a most unexpected place! We were watching an episode of "Eastenders" on TV. (It is a long running series on TV, and I remember seeing it when the very first one aired! Richard watches it with me, bless him, even though I think it is a struggle sometimes!) Anyway, I hope you can picture it, we are watching it, and Richard is trying his best to stay awake and appear interested when we hear a choir that began to sing "See, Amid the Winter's Snow".  It was beautiful! It was a choir called "Somewhere 2 Sing" and it is an amateur choir!  We both enjoyed the singing and thought they were very good. I don't have a video of this choir but I found a video of the song that I like very much.  (It was also on that same cassette tape from 1985!)

THIS video is from the Cambridge Choir of King's College. Here are the lyrics: 
  • See amid the winter's snow
    Born for us on earth below
    See the tender lamb appears
    Promised from eternal years
    Hail, thou ever blessed morn
    Hail, redemption's happy dawn
    Sing through all Jerusalem
    Christ is born in Bethlehem
    Lo, within a manger lies
    He who built the starry skies
    He who throned in height sublime
    Sits amid the cherubim
    Hail, thou ever blessed morn
    Hail, redemption's happy dawn
    Sing through all Jerusalem
    Christ is born in Bethlehem
    Say, ye holy shepherds, say
    What your joyful news today
    Wherefore have ye left your sheep
    On the lonely mountain steep?
    Hail, thou ever blessed morn
    Hail, redemption's happy dawn
    Sing through all Jerusalem
    Christ is born in Bethlehem
    As we watched at dead of night
    Lo, we saw a wondrous light
    Angels singing "Peace on earth"
    Told us of the Saviour's birth
    Hail, thou ever blessed morn
    Hail, redemption's happy dawn
    Sing through all Jerusalem
    Christ is born in Bethlehem
    Teach, oh teach us, holy child
    By thy face so meek and mild
    Teach us to resemble thee
    In thy sweet humility
    Hail, thou ever blessed morn
    Hail, redemption's happy dawn
    Sing through all Jerusalem
    Christ is born in Bethlehem


  • Both of these hymns seem very English to me.  Therefore, I wanted to share them with you here since I am Georgia Girl with An English Heart!

    And since I am from Georgia, did you know that the man who wrote "Jingle Bells" married a woman from Savannah, Georgia? Yes, indeed James Lord Pierpont was from Massachusetts but after he relocated to Savannah to be the organist and music director of the Unitarian Church of Savannah, he never returned North again! It is believed to have been written in 1857 so it is a very old Christmas tune for us Americans! (Although "Jingle Bells" is known all over the world.)

    I really must visit Savannah again sometime; it is an interesting place to see!

    No snowy photos for you but we have had some foggy days! All photos from the Monastery here in Rockdale County, Georgia.

    Oh, and remember I told you I love touches of red! The amaryllis bloomed! Hope you all had a joyful Christmas and are looking forward to the new year.  

    Sunday, December 22, 2024

    Last Christmas


    Are y'all ready for Christmas? It's practically here!

    "Last Christmas" by Wham was #1 last year in the UK and I just read on the BBC that it is #1 again this year!  In 1984, it did not go to number one, it was number two.  The song from Band Aid, "Do They Know It's Christmas" claimed the top spot that year.

    Have I shared videos by Evan and James with you before?  Here is a video of them with their cover of "Last Christmas".

    Really do like this song! I think these young guys do a fantastic job! George Michael was a genius songwriter, It is sad that he is no longer with us, but his music is much appreciated.

    In my Christmas decorations, I love to have touches of red here and there. In honor of that, I am showing you a photo of the rose breasted grosbeak that visited us in October.  It is a juvenile; the fully grown male would have been bright red on his front side! (Rose breasted grosbeak, the name should tell you that!) 
    Colorful umbrellas!  I've seen this done in several cities from around the world, but this is from the town of Conyers, Georgia, where my husband and I live!  Wherever you are in the world, hope you have a very merry Christmas.  

    Friday, December 13, 2024

    When You're Smiling (Autumn Leaves but NOT YET)

     Well, ALOE there!  (Here is a photo of Richard's ALOE plants!)

    The final for "Strictly Come Dancing" is this Saturday in the UK. I have shown you some videos of Chris McCausland and his partner, Dianne.  It pleases me so much that they are in the final! 

    Here is the video of them dancing to "When You're Smiling"!  I love it and I hope they win! (UPDATE as of Saturday Dec. 14th:  THEY WON!!)  Yay! This pleases me so much!

     Just in case you don't know the lyrics, I have them here for you! 

    Guess what, this song as of 2024 is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.  You can get out there and sing your heart out!

    When you're smilin', when you're smilin'
    The whole world smiles with you
    When you're laughin', when you're laughin'
    The sun comes shinin' through
    But when you're cryin', you bring on the rain
    So stop that cryin', be happy again
    Keep on smilin', 'cause when you're smilin'
    The whole world smiles with you
    When you're smilin', when you're smilin'
    The whole world, it smiles with you
    When you're laughin', oh babe, when you're laughin'
    The sun would-a come shining through
    But when you're cryin', you bring on the rain
    So stop that sighin', come on and be happy again
    Keep on smilin', 'cause when you're smilin', baby
    The whole world smiles with you


    Richard and I have been busy with lots of "end of year" kinds of things, but we have been able to enjoy our colorful Autumn leaves! They are very late this year we have noticed but no one else seems to think one thing about it! (Also, Richard and I just marvel at the colors while most folks just kind of yawn and shrug...what is WRONG with people!)

    This photo and the ones following were just taken, yesterday! (Dec. 12th!)

    This is a blueberry bush!  Can you believe that this gives you wonderful blueberries and then, you can enjoy these red leaves in the Autumn?

    As my Daddy used to say when I would ask for a tree ID, this is "some kind of oak".


                                        Peace be with you all!

     (Photos taken at the Monastery, Rockdale County)

    Richard is very good with plants (as well as photography!) 

    This photo was also taken Dec. 12th, and it is in our backyard! 

    The following are some photos from the end of November...

    This is a hickory tree in our own backyard!  It is a beauty!


    At the Monastery, the monks allow the gingko leaves to fall, and you just walk on a carpet of yellow...

    On the way home from the Monastery, we sometimes stop in at Publix.  Richard took a photo of this tree in the parking lot there!

    Hey! I promise I made a Thanksgiving meal. I really didn't just heat up a frozen pizza!  We had this the day AFTER Thanksgiving. I just had to try it.  How was it?  Well, I really liked it but then, I have very simple tastes! It wasn't really a pizza. It was like a croissant type of crust with some yummy turkey and seasonings on it.  I didn't think the green beans added anything to it but then, they didn't ask me. LOL!

    Hope all of you are looking forward to Christmas! Be nice and NOT naughty!

    Monday, November 18, 2024

    American Smooth/ "America"/Red Tailed Hawk


    American Smooth!  It is a ballroom style dance that consists of four elegant dances: the Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango and Viennese Waltz.  It allows for open movements, underarm turns and side by side choreography. It seems to celebrate the joy of dancing! Last week I shared a video from "Strictly Come Dancing" of Chris McCausland and his partner. They danced this past week to the song "Jump" and they showed the joy of dancing with the American Smooth! ("Jump" was written by Van Halen, but the version on this show was sung by Paul Anka and the arrangement is so very different, it will astonish you.)  What did the couple score for this dance? A perfect 10! 

    Hope you enjoy the video as much as I did! I would give it a 10!

    The beginning of the Christmas ads are beginning to be shown on TV! Many of them are not very good but there is one that just came out that I really like! It is an ad from Kroger, and I will see if I can get it on here...

    There, isn't that just so wonderful?  It is called "Share Your Food, Share Your Heart" and the song is "Lonely People" by America!

    It made me so happy to hear that song on that advert!  There is an English connection, you know.  The background of the band "America" is interesting to me, they were American lads living in London (their fathers in the US military) and became a band.  They called themselves "America" because they didn't want folks to think they were British trying to pretend to be American! Their songs from 1974- 1979 were produced by George Martin!  (I hope you know that name from the BEATLES!)  America (band) - Wikipedia

    There, you may click on that above and read more about them, if you like. They also did the song "Tin Man" which I have also told you about in a post before! And "Sister Golden Hair"!

    Also, in my last post I showed you a photo of a red shouldered hawk that was in our back yard.  I made a mistake and called it a red TAILED hawk but went back later and corrected it. Well, what do you think?  We saw that there would be a Bird of Prey demonstration at Arabia Mountain this weekend and we happily signed up! Guess what bird was there?  Yep, a red-tailed hawk! Why, you could have knocked me down with a feather! LOL!  Did Richard get photos? You know he did!  It was so great.  The two bird handlers were just wonderful, and especially so with the children. They took such delight in explaining and sharing everything about the hawks. Who enjoyed this more, the men with the birds or those in attendance? Hard to say for sure! 

    The above are all photos of the red-tailed hawk but they also had a Harris Hawk....

    This bird did not look familiar to us and that is because it is indigenous to Southwest Texas, Arizona and Mexico! 

    Do you like the way I tied things together in a somewhat American theme? I am AMERICAN SMOOTH! 

    Just so you won't forget, this is the red shouldered hawk that we had in our backyard!