Tuesday, November 3, 2020

We The People (Sing It!)


The Preamble to the Constitution! Of course, I know it by heart because it was set to music in School House Rock. (Why don't we have tunes for everything? I would never forget a thing!) 

I looked this up...it was written by a woman named Lynn Ahrens. She was quite young at the time, this would have been in the autumn of 1973. The TV network, NBC had already shown some of these 3 minute animated spots which highlighted tunes to help kids learn their multiplication tables. Since they were successful, the network was asked to do more.  The producer happened to notice Lynn Ahrens who worked as a secretary at NBC. (She would bring her guitar and play during her lunch time!)

He asked her if she could write a song! Well, you can guess her answer! If any of you are familiar with these songs, I wonder if you knew who wrote them? She not only wrote about history but also about grammar! (I just looked this one up..."Conjunction Function"...I really loved that one! It was written by Bob Dorough, a very well known person in music, in Jazz! Gee, he is also quite fascinating...read about him just here.

Okay, THEN I thought to look up who actually wrote the words of the Preamble...that would be...

and I am not making this name up...Gouverneur Morris.  I did NOT misspell that name! Here is someone else who should be portrayed on film! What a fascinating life story HE has! I don't have the time to tell you all about him just now...perhaps another time, or you could look him up and see what you think. (Waving his false leg around at a  French mob telling them that he knew what it was to fight for LIBERTY? I mean, you have to love that! Even it if wasn't true and he had lost the leg in a carriage accident...hey, you gotta do what you can to get by in life!)

Sorry, I got sidetracked there...I was telling you about Lynn Ahrens. She went on to be very successful in musical theatre with Stephen Flaherty, winning many awards.( AND she also wrote jingles, one that I remember is "What would you do for a Klondike Bar?")  Their latest musical..."Marie, Dancing Still" which is based on the Degas statue "Little Dancer of 14 years". (Ahrens wrote the lyrics and Stephen Flaherty wrote the music.) Sounds like something I would really like...but then, I think I would also like "Ragtime" and "Seussical The Musical"! 

So, we have been told that this election  day is considered a very stressful day for Americans. Here is my contribution to help with that...keep singing! 

.We the people,

In order to form a more perfect union,
Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
Provide for the common defense,
Promote the general welfare and
Secure the blessings of liberty
To ourselves and our posterity
Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

For the United States of Americaaaaaaaa


  1. There are simply too many fascinating people in history, in music, in art, in politics, in daily life to follow them all up! I wish the day had 35 hours to pack everything in that I want to or have to do, read or see.
    You won't be surprised that I am not familiar with the "School Rock" songs; we didn't have them here.

    1. These videos were after my time as a child but since I have a sister almost ten years younger and I also babysat for many years, I know a lot of things from the 1970's that many of my age do not! They might know all the teenage things but I know all the kiddie things! :-)
      And I also want to learn so much more about people, places and things but there is only so much time!

  2. I havent heard of School Rock either! And I agree with Meike above, I could do with double time in each day!

    1. I think triple time would just about work for me!
      Lovely to see your comment, Jenny!
      Take care in your lovely London. x

  3. I have all the Schoolhouse Rock songs safely stored on my computer. My favorite is I'm Just A Bill.

    1. I'm Just A Bill was written by Dave Frishberg, another Jazz artist!

  4. Your election day this time is very stressful for the rest of the world too.

    1. The stress from the year 2020...I wonder if it will be examined in the years to come. I hope that we will come out with shining colors!

  5. Gosh, did you learn these songs in school? In my school we never had modern songs, we would study “the history of music” then they would play up some Bizet and such.

    As for voting I read that out of all the western countries the US comes last. Voting here is the most chaotic (and there is also voter suppression… - I can talk about that since I never received my ballot.) My married daughter in Pittsburgh received a ballot under her maiden name – another lady has the same last name, but in …North Carolina. Yes NC sent my daughter who votes in Pittsburgh, PA., a NC ballot. How about that?

    1. In my reply above, I mentioned that I know these songs from those who are 10 to 15 years younger! My son told me that he learned them from his school days though.
      I did read about your problems with getting your ballot but that sounds like problems with the mail more than voter suppression to me. No matter if the names are incorrect, you can't vote unless you show proper ID.
      Glad you survived that awful wind storm. Man, this 2020 year is really something else.

  6. My kids loved these songs when they were little. We saw them on PBS TV (WTTW channel 11 in Chicago, IL). So catchy that you learned while you enjoyed them! Thanks for the info about the persons who wrote them.

    1. You are welcome! I only thought to look it up and when I saw the writers, I wanted to share it here.
      I love songwriters and their songs!! Take care!

  7. Schoolhouse Rock was the best! You teach me so much with your blog.

    1. Oh bless you, Mimi! I just find people so fascinating, don't you? And songwriters are a gift to us, I believe.

  8. I remember Schoolhouse Rock when my kids were little. Lynn Ahrens was quite talented. My maiden name was Arends(Spelled different from Lynn's but I bet they are pronounced the same. The "D" is silent in mine!) I wish I had shared her talent as well as the last name! Thanks for the info! You always find the most interesting things. Have a good weekend and hopefully soon our fabulous country will be back on track!

    1. You should go on on one of those genealogy shows, I bet anything you are related to her! Both of you are smart and gorgeous! (Look her up, she looks like an actress!)
      Take care, my friend in the last few months of this insane year!!

  9. Let's hope calm, peace, unity prevail....

    1. Indivisible! With liberty and justice for all.

  10. Oh wow! These videos are great! I've never seen them before.

    1. I wonder if your grandchildren know about them? ☺
