Thursday, May 30, 2013

Nature Is Good Medicine

Ferns at Watershed Trail at Panola Mountain State Park
Arabia Mountain, Panola Mountain and Stone Mountain are the monadnocks that are near my home and my husband and I get there every chance that we can.  Besides being good for our physical health, it is vital for our spiritual well-being. 

Evening Primrose At Arabia Mountain
Blooming Yucca - Panola Mountain (Stone Mountain on horizon)

Dutch Iris


We don't have to go far for our nature, it is right outside our window, right beside our front door!

Happy Memorial Day! How are you spending the day?


  1. Nature is good for you - looks very pretty there. sandie

    1. And I am sure it is just as pretty where YOU are! Get out there and enjoy!

  2. Kay- you are so right- there is nothing better than a good dose of nature to cure what ails you- Love your pictures-xo Diana

    1. Thanks, Diana!
      And nature IS cheaper than therapy OR drugs!

  3. We have yuccas in a corner of the church yard. I have violas that I let go to seed and they come up wherever they want. They're blooming now. I've got Dutch and Siberian Iris. The Dutch are blooming right now. Some of my old roses and my Ragusa roses are blooming now. You have different birds than we do. But we have a lot of gold finches and other finches, doves, quail, plain and redwing blackbirds. Some yellow headed black birds, but they seem to mostly be gone since I lost most of my trees.

    1. I know all the birds that you mention but I have never seen a yellow headed blackbird!

      You know I read a quote a few months back, and I really love it..."After all, we were created for the garden".
      I believe that!

  4. Replies
    1. Oh thank you!
      Let's see, I took the evening primrose, the viola and the amaryllis...the rest are Richard's!!
      (He has taken better photos of the birds. I am wanting him to do a post about the Brown Thrasher, we had a family of them.)

    2. The Viola pic is best!
      Make sure you tell him!

    3. Ha! I will tell him! :-) Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the reminder that nature is just outside our door. Yes! Beautiful photos.

    1. And in Hawaii, you have such beautiful nature!!
      I love flowers and I am sure you have some fantastic ones to enjoy year-round!

  6. I love the outdoors, especially in the spring when the earth comes alive and all is full of beauty! Thanks for sharing. I have never visied Panola State Park, maybe one day. May desire is to stay at all the State Parks in Georgia. It seems we only go to the 3 or 4 that is close to us.

    1. All the state parks in Georgia...that is a great idea!
      I visited Cloudland Canyon State Park for the first time ever in April and it was FANTASTIC. So beautiful and well worth a visit!!
      Panola Mountain State Park is well worth a visit but you must NOT miss Arabia Mountain which is very nearby!! :-)

  7. I couldn't agree with you more, Kay! And you know how much I love nature, being outdoors, etc... There's no better place for me. Lovely images!

    1. Oh yes, Martha, you are my Canadian soul sister, a fellow lover of nature!
      Thanks, and I am looking forward to your garden photos and also photos from YOUR walks this year!

  8. Replies
    1. Easy to look on the bright side when you are out in nature! xx

  9. Kay, I loved all your photos. I love being outdoors too. I think walking in the fresh air clears out the cobwebs in my minds. xoxo,Susie

    1. Thanks, Susie!
      Clearing out the cobwebs, yes that is it exactly!! xx

  10. You're so right. Nature is an amazing medicine! The happiness that we feel when we are out in these wild spaces in healing! I just discovered that a "mountain" in Hungary which I know and love well, where several relatives have summer homes, is also a monadock. It's called Csobác Hegy. And I never knew that word until I read it in your blog.

    1. Hey Kristi!
      It tickled me no end that you discovered that your special place in Hungary is a monadnock just like the monadnocks that I love too!! xx
      The trees, the flowers, the clouds...they are all right there, just for your own special viewing!!

  11. OK. I'm a slow learner! That would be monadnock.

    1. Ha! No worries, I am a terrible proofreader! If Richard is not around, I am in trouble!!

  12. What is that coral colored bird?!! SO beautiful. And I believe what you say. There's a lot of talk now about kids not being out in nature enough.

    1. Dear Nan,
      That bird is a Brown Thrasher and is our state bird!
      We had a FAMILY of them and I will do a post about them, they have been so much fun to observe!
      I also have heard that kids are just not spending time outdoors enough. They are missing out on life.

  13. Seeing your pictures are also quite helpful. Thank you!

    1. Even photos of nature make me feel more relaxed and happy.
      You are welcome!

  14. That last pic and caption is priceless! Yes, i wish i had more time to escape to the natural places around here, it would be therapy for me.

    1. Don't forget, you can still enjoy nature, right outside your door or in a parking lot!

  15. The yellow evening primroses in front of the blue sky - you knew this was going to be my favourite picture of this post, didn't you!

    Yes, there is no such thing as being out there in the open to feel good after an intense working week.

    1. We love those yellow flowers against the blue sky too!!
      (I KNEW you would!!)

      There will be yet ANOTHER post about some more yellow flowers on Arabia, some that we had NEVER seen before! (We think they liked all the rain this Spring.) They were extraordinary and we were so pleased to see them!

  16. It is good for the soul to be out in the nature. Nothing is better.
    Great series of pictures:-)

    1. Good for the soul, I so agree!!
      Hope you have a great mountain climbing weekend!!

  17. Replies
    1. Those Colorado Rockies are the best!
      You are so lucky!! xx

  18. Oh yes, nature is definitely therapy!!!! Is that a downy woodpecker in that picture above??? I LOVE THOSE!!! Hope you're doing well. I wish you a lovely weekend!!!

    1. Oh yes! That downy woodpecker LOVES that suet feeder!
      It is his second home!
      We love our nature and I know you do too!!

  19. I'm a bit stressed right now getting my China blog posts done... then our album and then we've got another trip and a whole bunch of stuff in between. Retirement is sure hard work!

    Kay, thanks so much for all your kind messages while we were gone to China and I was cut off from my blog. Although I couldn’t access my blog, I got your comments via e-mail and they always brought a smile to my face. Thank you again for being such a lovely friend.

    1. When my in-laws retired, I remember them saying, "It's all GO!!!" when I remarked on how much their calendar was pencilled in!!

      I am happy to know that I made you smile, thank you, you have made my day! :-)

  20. Annnnnd... I must tell you that this post gave me a bit of relief from my stress. Nature is indeed a mind relaxer.
