Thursday, February 20, 2025

When All the World Is a Hopeless Jumble ( Songs!)


(Not one but THREE videos here!)

You all know the lovely song "Over the Rainbow" from "The Wizard of Oz" sung so wistfully by the young Judy Garland with her little dog Toto with her.  Did you know that the man who wrote the lyrics (the marvelous Yip Yarburg) also wrote an introductory verse that began with "When all the world is a hopeless jumble"? It is sometimes included in some theatrical productions of "The Wizard of Oz". Several artists have also recorded it with this verse and is in the original sheet music.  (Anybody remember sheet music? I do.)

"Somewhere Only We Know" is a song by a British band that I really like a lot, Keane.  The song "Somewhere Only We Know" was released in February 2004 as a single from their album, "Hopes and Fears".  The album was released in May of 2004 and went on to become one of the UK's best-selling albums.  You can spend a lot of time listening to covers of this song. (Ask me how I know!) I will save you a lot of time and tell you that one of my favorites is one that I have shared with you above.  All those dear children!  Did you know I love kids? I do!  I want to take every one of those kids home with me! There is a great feeling of hope that you sense when you listen to them sing.  (And I also loved those playing the piano, guitar, drums and violin in the background, also kids!) 

Did anybody watch the 50th Anniversary of Saturday Night Live?  It was 3 HOURS LONG.  We recorded it to watch later. Of course, it must have run over its allotted time because we didn't get Paul McCartney at the end!  Oh well, there's always YouTube!

Am I the only one to think that the show was mostly terrible? I didn't find any of the skits funny. I am old and perhaps a fuddy-duddy but I am okay with that.  I think maybe even using the word "fuddy-duddy" might just show you my personality. I just had my hair cut and the hairdresser cut my hair shorter on one side. It might not have been her fault. I think I am just looking at the world askance just now.  ("Askance- with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval.  Yep, that's me!)

Sir Paul McCartney's performance from the SNL 50th.  (We used to say our words but now "Saturday Night Live" is "SNL".) Gotta roll with the times and abbreviate everything now, I keep telling myself!

"If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why oh why, can't I?"

So nice of these bluebirds to visit us just so I can have them in this post!

Keane from Glastonbury 2024.  You know I had to have this on here. The lead singer, Tom Chaplin, has such an amazing voice! And the crowd singing along!  Wish I could have been there.  I would have been singing too! 

HOPE you are all doing well and making it through February!  It is very cold here in the Metro Atlanta area today, it MIGHT make it above freezing! Supposed to be in the 70's next week though! Hoping that forecast is correct.

Hope is such a lovely thing, don't you agree?


  1. This was such an uplifting post. I feel so good right now. Thank you.

    1. Thank you! Now I feel guilty for saying I didn't like that SNL show! LOL!

  2. I sure enjoyed your clips! I never knew about that introductory verse to Somewhere over the Rainbow.
    We didn't watch the SNL 50th but heard it wasn't very good. We did used to enjoy it years ago!
    You made me laugh with your haircut story. Just walk around with your head tilted for a few weeks. :) Thankfully, hair grows pretty quickly!

    1. Ha ha, yes, if you see me walking down the street, I am the one with my head tilted to the side! I didn't know that first verse either, so I had to share it here! Glad you liked the clips!!

  3. Hope is the thing that keeps us going.
    I do not like the new "SNL" to be honest with you.
    I do love or did love Paul - he was my favorite Beatle.
    I NEVER knew there was a first verse to Over The Rainbow.
    Love bluebirds!

    1. LOVE all things Beatles!! YEAH< YEAH>YEAH! AND all birds too!

  4. You know, I have never seen a single episode of "Saturday Night Live" in all of its 50 years. And I don't feel like I missed out on anything.

    1. What? Debra, you don't even like Dan Aykroyd? Why, he is even from Canada! Many of the early shows were very funny. "The Blues Brothers" were first used as a skit with Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi. So funny! The current show of SNL is mostly terrible to me. If there is something good on it, you can always see it on YouTube. Recently, I shared a clip of Nate Bargatze playing George Washington that was quite amusing.

    2. P.S. I noticed that Dan Aykroyd didn't show up for that 50th anniversary. I think he made the right decision.

  5. Glad to hear someone say outloud wat I was thinking about SNL. I never watched it for 50 years because you could see the performers reading Q-cards - not cool! Only watched the first 10 minutes of the Special and enjoyed seeing Paul Simon - he's getting old but aren't we all. I just feel that the music from our era was better- certainly more lyrically rich (but sure our elders said that about Elvis & R&R too.)

    1. I really show my age with my music choices. I like melody and it seems that melody has just died. I did enjoy Saturday Night Live in the early days. Not all of it, some skits were just too silly for even me! Paul Simon, I really like him a lot! A great songwriter!

  6. Without hope, there is no... hope. And then everything is hopeless.
    Fortunately, I usually have a hopeful outlook on life in general and things in my personal sphere in particular; it has to do with faith, too.

    Some of the videos won't load here in Germany for legal issues, but never mind; I "get" it, I hope (!) :-D

    The bluebirds are my favourite part of this post!

    After an icy spell, we're now enjoying more spring-like temperatures. I can't do anything on Sunday because I am volunteering at one of the polling stations in my town (Germany is holding a general election), but I plan for a good long walk tomorrow afternoon.

    1. So sorry you can't see the clips!! I am glad you like the bluebirds, it is a male and a female. (The female hiding just behind!) We don't normally have them in our yard, they came down for the suet during a very cold spell. Bluebirds like insects, you see, so one sees them in fields or in a park with a vast expanse of land. Although with all the clearing of land around here, we might see bluebirds more often.

  7. Sadly, too often these days, hope is all we have; all we can hang on to.

    I didn't watch any of the SNL show, but I have seen bits and pieces of what was on it,. Nothing impressed me much, I admit.

    Love the beautiful little bird. And thanks for the heads up on the song, Kay. :)

    Take good care.

    1. Hey Lee! Lovely to see your comment here. HOPE is the thing with feathers that asks nothing of us, remember!

  8. Oh, those bluebirds are a gorgeous shade of blue: happy little bluebirds fly! One of the best songs of all time, and Judy Garland's version remains unsurpassed. I don't see SNL, but would watch anything available with Sir Paul McCartney. Unfortunately I can't watch the video because it is 'unavailable in my country'!! But his voice remains in my mind.

    1. Sorry you can't see Sir Paul, you and I both share a love for him!!

  9. Thank you Kay. That's the first time I've seen a real USA bluebird. We get wildlife TV programmes here in the UK all the time that always show big animals, wolf, bison, bald eagle, Yellowstone Park etc... yet I think folk here would love to see instead all those USA garden species we are completely unfamiliar with. A ratings winner but so far it's never happened. Only seen a lot of USA small creatures as Disney cartoon versions, which is where I know bluebirds from.... and many others... never the real life versions. Always puzzled by that.

    1. Oh, I am pleased that you liked the photo of the bluebirds! Such a beautiful bird! Did you know that their feathers are not really blue? It's true! Look it up! Nature is amazing!!

  10. That Song is one of my all time favorites, I always wondered what SNL meant, so thanks for answering that question, I didn't watch that show, I'm never up that late at night. Bluebirds are delightful ! Glad you got a picture to show. Our forecast is the same as yours with 70's next week. I'm so glad this cold spell didn't last very long at all.

    1. SNL! I can't get over all these initials for everything now. It's crazy!

  11. You are not the only one to think the SNL show was awful, so I guess I am a fuddy duddy too! That is ok, fuddy duddys is a good club to be in! Freezing in New Jersey too. Spring is coming!

    1. Hey Jackie! I am happy to have you in my FUDDY DUDDY Club, the more the merrier! Stay warm!

  12. I didn't think SNL's anniversary show was very funny either. I don't think it has been funny for a number of years now.

  13. Too cold for me. I watched a little of that SNL show. David loved it. He is a die hard fan. Me, not so much.

    1. David is such a jolly soul, of course he still likes it! LOL! Did you see my clip of Nate Bargatze playing George Washington? Now, THAT was funny! So, I suppose they sometimes have good skits still!

  14. I haven't seen SNL in so long, I'd have no idea who is who or what is what.

    Thank you for the lovely music and uplifting post!

    1. You are welcome! That is what it is like for me these days about most anything, no idea who is who or what is what!

  15. Wonderful picture of the bluebirds ...

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan! My husband took that photo sitting on our sofa through the sliding glass doors onto our patio. He is such a good photographer!

  16. I couldn't live without hope, Kay. It's children like the ones in the video who give me hope. I'm so thankful that I spent 25 years as an elementary teacher. Children really are a gift from God. I'm sorry that you've been slammed with so much bad weather. It's been a crazy winter. Terry and I both thought the SNL 50th anniversary show was pretty sad, not funny at all. Maybe I'm a fuddy-duddy too, and that's totally okay. Enjoy your weekend! It was so good to hear from you! ❤️

    1. Hey Louise! This winter has been so cold. Yet, we have had some sunny days so I am grateful. I love your post of you dancing in Hawaii! You should do a travel book with that title! Welcome to my Fuddy Duddy Club, LOL! "The things that pass for normal, I can't understand ". That's a paraphrase of a song lyric, I have so many in my head! Aloha, my friend. Peace!

    2. "The things that pass for knowledge, I can't understand". Just looked it up! It's "Reeling In The Years" by Steely Dan. Appropriate.

  17. I've never seen SNL .... not sure they have it over here but even I have heard of it! I think the bluebirds are lovely symbols of hope.

    1. Hey Jenny Woolf! We love our bluebirds! A very funny thing we watch is "The Daily Show". I'm sure you could see it on YouTube. Jon Stewart cracks me up. Hope you are well in lovely England! xx

  18. Very much enjoyed, thank you Kay! "When all the world is a hopeless jumble", prophetic words but sounds like the world has always been in a jumble. We are just hearing about it all instantaneously. I used to watch SNL years ago but haven’t for a long, long time. Maybe my humor bone changed as I got older, who knows. Happy March! We have bluebirds visiting us every day. Living in hope as always.

    1. Living in hope, as always! I love that! I just got another post in this month but tomorrow it will be March. This year is just marching on by. LOL! I really like comedy but sometimes, things are just too over the top for me, it might be a sign of age, but I prefer to just think I have good taste, ha ha! Take care in Virginia and keep enjoying the bluebirds. x

  19. I used to watch SNL too... a long time ago. Sigh.
    Thank you for that video of the kids singing Somewhere Only We Know. You know I love kids and that made me teary.
