Thursday, April 27, 2023

House Moving - "Love Shack!"


On my last post I wondered how they could have moved the houses to the historic square at Stone Mountain.  I found a video for you! As I was watching this video, I thought to myself...."I don't remember any of the houses called by that name" and after seeing the building come to life before my eyes...."Hmm...that doesn't look like any of the buildings we saw...."  I did more research and can you believe it?

The house shown in the video is the T.R.R. Cobb house.  After being moved to Stone Mountain in 1985, it was moved BACK to Athens, Georgia in 2005!  (It looks like the other homes at the historic square were moved to Stone Mountain in the 1960's, like I told you in my post.)

House moving, indeed!  The T.R.R. Cobb house is now set up as a museum in that city.  It seems that a trip to Athens will be in my future!

Thinking about it, it seems I do remember seeing that "pink" house at Stone Mountain but it seemed very sad and run down.  I'm glad it has now been fully restored. 


What song to go with this post?  Of course, it must be with a musical group connected with Athens, Georgia! 

 "Love Shack" from the B52's!  And since I have that English heart going on, the clip for this is from London.  

(You are thinking...."Kay, you did NOT put the song "Love Shack" on here when you were telling us about houses, did you? HA, I did!)

Here's that bedroom that I told you I loved so much and a photo of me inside the garden gazebo!


  1. Thanks for your investigative journalism and disc jockey skills too!

    1. I need to have my own radio station!

    2. Yes, you do need your own radio station -
      Do you take requests dear DJ? I wish you would do a piece on the great Gordan Lightfoot. Another legend lost.


    3. One of my heroes, Lady Bird Johnson had her own radio station! I wish I did! Ah, Gordon Lightfoot, a songwriter and singer. You know I admired him greatly. x

  2. On the narrow roads in the Black Forest, "moving house" that way would have impossible - hence the dismantling and setting up again that I described in my comment to your previous post.
    Ah... the B52s! Part of the sound track of my teenage years. I still love them! Dirty Back Road is one of my favourites.

    1. Our roads might be bigger but so clogged with traffic I still find it hard to think how it is possible. That song should get you dancing!

  3. Easy to move wooden houses. Glad they preserved sp many.

    1. It might be easy to move a house made of wood but I need to show you photos of the homes made from granite which were quarried from Stone Mountain. Solid as a rock!

  4. Moving houses, preserving history. I'm glad there are people that care enough to do it!

  5. Several older historic homes were moved in our town to make room for businesses when the town began growing. One of my friends lives in one of them. It was purchased by her parents a long time after it had been moved there. I've seen pictures of homes being moved and I'm glad they were saved instead of being demolished. So much of our history would have been lost . I enjoyed your posts about the homes. Love, ma

    1. How nice for your friend to live in one of those nicer older homes. Glad you liked reading my posts. Wish you could visit Stone Mountain Park too!

  6. The B52s were so much fun. :)

    Moving house wouldn't be much fun though!

    Take care.

  7. Wouldn't it be pleasant to sit in the gazebo on a nice summer night drinking iced tea and listening to Love Shack? Love Shank Baby.

    1. Ah, yes and I will have lemon in mine. Sitting in a lovely garden with no mosquitoes!

  8. I enjoyed watching that video, seeing all the work involved in moving and restoring that old building, especially the magnificent end result.

    1. Oh I am glad you liked that video! I thought it was well put together. I will have to visit that pink house in Athens and do a post about it.

  9. I love seeing old houses preserved, it's an amazing sight to see an entire house rolling down the road, I always think someone loved that home so much to go to all of that trouble...

    1. My Uncle George lived in an old house that was moved to his property. I know this only because he told me. It amazes me that houses can be moved.

  10. I also have seen a couple of houses moved in Marietta and it is quite a sight. I like the bedroom you showed. I have not been to Stone Mountain in ages but when we lived in Decatur we bought year passes and I would take my daughters about every other day to their beach there, in summer. Good memories.

    1. Good memories indeed! I well remember the beach on the lake at Stone Mountain! Oh dear, they shut that down years ago but I do miss it. Thanks for reminding me of it!

  11. It's always so amazing to me how they can move an entire house. Wow!
    By the way, Kay, we just returned from the British Isles a couple weeks ago and yes, it was awesome! :-)

  12. And please feel free to let me know if I've written the wrong thing.

    1. The wrong thing? You tickle me. I am not an expert on England. I just have a great fondness for it.
