Wednesday, May 15, 2024

C's Caverns Concert Critique!

 Last week, our son and daughter-in-law went to a concert. Not just any concert, it was in a cavern! Now, I was just a WEE bit worried about it since there was severe weather predicted for that area, including a tornado watch. (They live in Chattanooga, Tennessee and The Caverns are in Pelham, Tennessee.) The cave itself is perfectly safe. You are inside a cave! It was the journey back that had me worried.

 Even though it rained on them, the worst of the storm came after they were safely home. Thank Goodness!  (I once asked my Daddy when did parents stop worrying about their kids. His reply? "Never!").

They had gone to see a British band called "Slowdive". Christopher has written about it on the Audio Phix site! Now, this type of music is called "Shoegaze" and even though I can't say that it is my cup of tea, C. wrote about it in such a way that I....well, it just blows me away, truly it does! Please read it if you can!  I know you all think I am just a proud Mama, and of course, I am but I also really appreciate a piece of writing that shows true passion!   You may read it just here! 

He also tells you about the venue itself, which sounds so interesting! Richard and I haven't been there yet but hope to see it one day with Christopher and Sarah!

If you happen to look at this post and the link no longer works, if you type in Audio Phix and Slowdive into a search engine, you should find it! 


So, how are you all doing these days? Richard and I have been very busy, but we still try to get out on our walks! I was so pleased to find this blue-eyed grass beside a trail! That dear little blue flower pleases me no end! It really isn't a grass, but a tiny iris! Isn't that something? It is a native and if I had my way, it would be everywhere! 

The bright yellow flowers below are in a pot on our porch! We think we got them from the lady on Main Street in Conyers last Spring. I say "we think" because, honestly, we don't remember! However, when we walked past that same house recently, we saw these flowers blooming in her yard. We believe that it was a bonus plant for us when we bought the swamp sunflower from her!  These yellow flowers are evening primroses. We also see evening primroses at Panola Mountain, they are just a different variety.  I love them both!

 From Panola Mountain, you can see Stone Mountain on the horizon! It looks like we are in the mountains here, but I assure you we are not! This is Metro Atlanta and there is a busy, busy Interstate Highway between where we are here and Stone Mountain! AND tons of airplanes going overhead from THE busiest airport in the world. (Not kidding!)  Never mind, I only show you beauty on my blog! LOL!

Even though Richard and I don't get out much, I do love looking at places that others are able to visit! My friend in Germany has been visiting the Black Forest and you really must look at her posts! Oh my, how much I would love those hikes! OH! And where they stayed, in that comfy room! I could just sink into those lovely chairs! You may see them just here.

(I said "them", that links to just one, but look also at the ones before that one too, if that makes sense!)

Goodness me, I am advising you to link on some things here, but I promise you, it will be worth it! You will read about a well enjoyed concert in The Caverns in Tennessee and also, go on a hike in the Black Forest of Germany! 

You're welcome!  


  1. Sounds like a very unique concert event!

    1. My sister has attended a concert there also, and she loved it.
      Hey, I have relatives who get to places! LOL!

  2. I, too, enjoy traveling vicariously and passed by Black Forest while driving in Germany in1969. Music in a cavern sounds delightful.

    1. Ah, traveling vicariously....I worked as a travel agent for 20 years and I very much enjoyed the traveling until I realized it was all through my customers!

  3. Kay, thank you so much for linking to my blog! I just hope whoever decides to visit won't be bored to tears by endless pictures of trees and lakes and paths and the sky :-D

    Your son's article is very well written. Shoegaze is a term I have never come across before, but the music sounds very 1990s, like some of what British bands used to come up with in the late 1980s and 90s, and in that way, it is not completely unfamiliar.

    1. Oh my goodness, you are welcome! I do hope that more people will see my post and look at your photos of your holiday in the Black Forest. I love it all...trees, lakes, paths and sky!
      So glad you liked C's article also! I am not very familiar with that kind of music but of course, C. loves all kinds!

  4. I have been to those caverns - hard to imagine music being played in them. Also I love the flowers in your yard.
    Love stone mountain too.

    1. Hey! Your comment went to SPAM, not sure why! There are so many caves in Tennessee! Are you sure The Caverns are the ones you have been to? In Pelham? I think they do tours there also. We love our mountains of rock in Georgia! We have Arabia Mountain and Panola Mountain too, have you been there? Stone Mountain is the biggest, of course! And we love our flowers in our yard too!!

  5. I smiled at your father's answer to the question, when do we stop worrying about our children. He is right, of course, There is, however, a tipping point when they start to worry about us. It comes as quite a surprise!!

    1. Ah well, I suppose that is only right. Thanks for your comment. I just looked at your latest post and was rewarded with beautiful views of a garden that I wish I could visit! Still, I got to enjoy your pictures! Thank you!

  6. So much beauty in one post. Music, flowers, and scenery. I had a glimpse of heaven.

    1. Oh! So glad you clicked on the links that I gave you! Thank you!

  7. That cavern would have been a fascinating backdrop for a concert. I’m glad all was well as I also would have worried about their journey traveling back and forth in bad weather. I don’t think we ever stop worrying about our kids. I used to joke to our son that I’ll be in my rocking chair and still worry about him. True! Thank you for the links. I will read them after I send this to you. Love those pretty blue flowers. I am always delighted to see wildflowers on our walks. I have also been to the garden center buying flowers to replenish our planters. Yours look very cheery! Gorgeous scenic shot. I remember seeing Stone Mountain from a cross-country trip we took years ago. We live in the suburbs and have are 25 miles from Washington DC in one direction, and the Shenandoah Mountains the same distance more or less in the other. We head to the mountains more often than not. Family on my side live in the Black Forest. I have been fortunate to visit them many times over the years. It’s another gorgeous part of the world. Thank you for this interesting post, I’m getting off here now as I learned to type years ago and can go as fast as my brain will allow, hopefully no typos. Sometimes I do run on quite a bit. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for your great comment! You are so lucky to live where you do, able to see DC and the mountains. I've never been to Germany but how I would love to see it! If you look at my blog, you will see I am wildly enthusiastic about flowers. Well, I am wildly enthusiastic about a great many things, LOL. And I also run on a bit, but doggone it, there is always so much to say! Take care!

  8. Thank you for visiting my silly blog. I love that you married your English pen-pal after writing to each other for nine years. How special! Like you, I love blue-eyed grass. It is so pretty. We have it growing here but not as much as when we first bought the property. I did see a little patch this spring.

    1. Thank you for your comment? You do not have a silly blog! I read your past posts and was rewarded with photos of redbud trees, Carolina jasmine and colorful Easter eggs in green grass! Your lovely photos of big white dogs, fluffy cats and BIG bunnies are not to be missed, and your lively sense of humor and intelligence shines through in your writings! (And knew how much it costs to spay a rabbit??) And yes, my husband and I wrote to each other before we ever met, we will be married 41 years in June. Time does fly. Thanks again, and visit again! Love, Kay

  9. Thank you for your comment! Exclamation point that was meant to be!

  10. Not heard of that band so I will look them up. Unusual venue. Tried posting anon several times but it wouldn't let me until I finally remembered how I posted comments last time around. Doh! Every blog host has a different method which changes every so often. Definitely a senior moment.... for me. Bob. 4th time lucky, hopefully.

    1. Hey Bob! 4th time? Yes! It made it! Sorry you tried so hard to leave comment! I've never known what things to do once they made changes on these blogs. You can tell from C's article he really likes this band! Hope you do too. Keep looking for that blue sky!

  11. It sounds like you are staying very busy and seeing much loveliness on your walks. The cavern for a music venue probably has fabulous acoustics.

    1. C. said the acoustics were fantastic! You are right, as always! By the way, Christopher and Sarah are big animal lovers so you would love them! They have 3 cats. 😺

  12. A concert in a cave? Way cool! I'm betting the temps in there were way cool too. When I was a kiddo and we traveled on vacation Dad always seemed to find caverns to explore and I loved them. I'm loving the flowers on your post also. My Spring ones are almost all done..the iris, the azaleas, the rhododendron, and snowball bush. However the roses and peonies are blooming nicely! I loved your friends blog pics of Germany but I really loved the heart rock! I collect heart shaped rocks when I go to the lake. So fun! Have a nice Memorial Day Kay!

  13. I love a snowball bush! We don't have one but several neighbors do and I enjoy theirs! So glad you looked at the photos of the Black Forest, weren't they dreamy? Hope you have a nice Memorial Day too, Yaya. 🇺🇸

  14. The piece Chris wrote about the concert was great, Kay! I would have loved hearing it in a cave with wild weather outside ~ lol! I'm glad all is well with you and your family. I've been getting out too much. That's why I'm perpetually behind. Take care!

  15. I hope everyone is doing well, I have some news to share today.... In the next week I am moving to NOLA and hoping this new journey will put me back into the attitude that change is good. So much to do and not enough time to do it. I am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life (including Pedro Jerome) a loan lender that support me at all times I am excited and also worried my life has been such a downer for so long that getting out of it has been hard, but I do really feel that this change is going to be the best thing I need right now, and I have hopes that all good things do come to those that wait.
    I'm thanking a loan lender who helped me with a loan of 1 millions dollars to boost up my business once again at the rate of 2% annual return which is so wonderful, and I would like anyone stuck in financial situation to reach out to Pedro the loan lender on WhatsApp: +393510140339. For loan assistance.
    So please keep me in your thoughts, and thanks to this blog I can at least keep in contact with all of you.
