Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ah, Go Jump In a Lake (Or the River Aare!)

When I was growing up in the 1960's, and someone was irritating us, we would say, "Go jump in the lake!".  I have met up with quite a few folks lately that I would like to say this to, but rather I would like to tell them to go and jump into the River Aare..  You might have heard of this if you live in Europe or if you do crossword puzzles.  Me, I know it from the crossword!  (A river in Switzerland:  Aare.)

It is an amazing river, quite a fast moving river and I think it takes quite an amount of courage to jump into such a swift current.  They have ...oh what would you call it, they have metal poles on the banks that you can catch onto as you are swiftly moving down the river.  (If it were me, I would be grabbing hold of them so tightly, I might pull them out from the riverbank!)  I hope you can see the video from the BBC that I have for you above.

Okay, so thinking of people who are quite annoying...

Look at the sign that they put up at Panola Mountain State Park, can you read it?  Ha, I love it!  They are telling you that it is PROHIBITED to go off the trail to capture Pokemon even it it is LEGENDARY!  Way to go, Panola!  You tell 'em!
That last sentence on the sign could be rewritten for anywhere else:
Please be respectful of our world and for all the people who live on it!
Hmm, sorry guys, the heat might be getting to marks the 40th day we have had temps over 90 degrees.  Tomorrow promises to be the 41st, and so on and so get the picture! 


  1. Aaahhh... jumping in the creek when I was a child was a great way to stay cool. Of course we were not allowed to swim with no adult supervision but it never stopped us.

    1. Not a big fan of jumping into water but I am a big fan of telling other people to do so! HA!

  2. So glad you did a post with "go jump in the lake" in it!
    This Pokemon Go is so astonishing. I read of a girl who was hit by a car because she evidently had no attention left to pay to traffic! And even more astonishingly, I saw a sign in Cyrillic letters, in Bosnia, telling people not to play Pokemon Go in areas where landmines had still not been cleared. Mercy!

    1. Yes! You can see how you jogged my memory of this post I had with the video of the River Aare! I know that people do enjoy this Pokemon game but I don't see it myself.

  3. When I saw your headline today, I immediately thought of Kristi (Thickethouse) - she posted a sign her daughter has made for their summer cottage by the lake: "Go jump in the lake" :-) But hers is meant different from yours, of course.

    You are so right about the last sentence, showing respect to the world and people around us! Sadly, so often this respect is lacking.

    It's been hot here yesterday, too, but early this morning a thunderstorm meant it is much cooler today. And next week, I'll be off to Yorkshire, where I don't expect temps much over 20 Celsius for two weeks - ideal for the hikes and walks my sister and I intend to go on!

    1. Yes, I saw Kristi's post and I told her that she reminded me of this post that I as going to do (not been able to post as much as I would like!)
      Lucky you on your trip to Yorkshire! I love your photos and descriptions while you are there. Have fun and eat some cheese scones for me!

  4. Throw all Pokemon hunters in the river!

    1. And we can watch them float away, far away from us!

  5. The heat has been getting to me and although it has been very hot for here, nothing like yours! I like the idea of go jump in a lake, I think we all come across people that we would like to say that to sometimes!!

    1. Oh my dear, I think on an HOURLY basis I come across people I want to say, "jump in the lake"!

  6. "Go jump in a lake" was something I heard a lot too. Not personally mind. It's fun to thnk it's a phrase that's lasted as long as it has. I would definitely not jump in the river Aare though. For a start I can't swim.

    1. That jump in the river looks terrifying to me...truly it does!

  7. I never get in water that I can't see the bottom (or what is in it). Yes, I am sure growing up I used that phrase many a time!

    1. I also don't like going into water where I can't see the bottom, we Georgia girls think alike!

  8. We don't usually get many days over 90 degrees but here in Ohio we are to have 4 of them starting today. I plan on staying in but a jump in the lake wouldn't be a bad idea. Take care in the heat !

  9. The Pokemon hunters are going to need to stay indoors and keep cool, or they will hunt themselves into heat exhaustion. The same goes for the rest of us. How i wish we could cool the earth back down a degree!

    1. I bet it might even be hotter for you so I guess I shouldn't complain!

  10. This Pokeman obsession is ridiculous. We've been over 90 too and when in London it hit near 90 and 92 after we left.

    1. Oh, I bet you had a great time in London! I have been there when it was near 80 and I thought that was very hot!

  11. Don't envy you that level of heat. My pet hate is all the daft crazes that sweep the world every year. Shows the herd mentality is still alive and thriving. Mind you, ice baths sound OK in 90 degree conditions.

    1. This Pokemon craze sounds like something from a Ray Bradbury book to me. Hard to believe that folks are madly dashing about "capturing" something that doesn't really exist.
      Trouble is, with heat like this, it is like being stuck inside during a snowstorm only it is the heat keeping you in. Can't go on my long nature walks like I like to do!!

  12. Rivers can be very dangerous but that one looks clean and fun if you're a good swimmer. I'm not sure I understand the Pokémon thing. I guess it gets people outside and moving but are you allowed to look up from the phone? I'm not a heat lover and this has been a much warmer Summer than the last couple we had. We've had some 90de weather but it usually cools off after a few days. This will be our hottest weekend coming up. What we really need is rain. It's bee very dry and farmers are getting worried. Stay cool and have a good weekend!

    1. There was another video that I found of people jumping into that river and it must have been just after a heavy rain or early spring when the snow had melted, because it was so fast rushing that it was scary! (Typical of me, I can't find it when I want to!) I don't understand people looking for Pokemon on private property and also at night, common sense seems in short supply. We also need rain, very much so, we are in a severe drought. Stay cool!

  13. We had a hot day too this year. Hah - an expression when I was young, about 100 years ago, was "Go take a long jump off a short pier".

    1. My English husband has used that expression! (Not to me though, at least not OUT LOUD!)

  14. It's a long time since I've jumped in a river. My brother and I did it often when we were kids.

    Come to think of's a long time since anyone has told me to go jump in a river, too! Perhaps I've not heard them!! :)

    1. I was never a great swimmer so for any body of water, I would carefully and very gently lower my body into water, I would never, ever JUMP!

  15. "Please be respectful of our world and for all the people who live on it!"

    Yes. And, my mother always said, "Oh go jump in the lake." And I'm happy to say I follow her advice as often as I can.

    Met my kids for dinner tonight and saw for the first time people playing Pokemon. I stopped when the guy did and asked to see how it looked on the screen. He had already caught the -- whatever it is they catch --thing, but still kind of fun to see so many joined in doing one thing. Wouldn't it be great if we all joined in being respectful of our world and all those who are in it? Ah.....

    1. My son does the Pokemon thing, to my horror! Still, I know that there are worst things, it just seems a shame that at a place of natural beauty like Panola Mountain, they have to tell people not to tromp through the woods!
      Thanks very much for your comment here, by the way!
      Respectfully yours, Kay G.!

  16. I think the Pokemon thing might be good in that it is getting kids (and adults) off the couch, but they need to be respectful of their surroundings, for sure. The Holocaust Museum in DC has banned it (understandably.)

    I stepped outside a little while ago to water the fern that doesn't get rain (having to do that every day in this heat), and the air is fresh and cooler this morning. Wish it would stay that way!

    1. It isn't only Pokemon that I dislike, I also don't like geocaching. Both of these make people stomp on wildflowers in the local parks. You know how much I love the wildflowers.
      You had more rain than we did. We think we got about 1/3 inch yesterday. Glad to get any rain though, we need it desperately.

  17. Over 90 deg. I wouldn't like that. We had it in London for just two days and because it's almost the first sunny days we've had for ages people went a bit mad. I actually became dehydrated when I went for a 10 mile walk and ended up with leg cramps, but luckily I'd heard about drinking more fluids so I did that. Can't say I am too sorry that the temperature's down a bit now.

    1. I have been in London when the temp hit 80 degrees...and that was way too hot for me! You must be careful in the heat, especially when you are not used to it!
      Mad dogs and Englishmen, you know! :-)

  18. It's very hot here in Texas. 101 today! Is there a point in that river where it slows down? It's beautiful, but I don't have the confidence to jump in a river moving that Pokemon sign is funny. Stay cool.

    1. Too darn hot! I wonder if there is a point in that river where it slows down and you can just dip your toes in, that would be for me! Take care, and drink lots of cold water!

  19. My, it is hot over there - and hot here too, despite being the middle of Winter. I see those dang Pokemons have invaded the entire world - and there have been accidents a-plenty in Australia, too :)

    1. We had a bit of rain today and I was very grateful for it! Also, went walking on that same trail this morning and the sign was still there, you gotta love it! :-)
