Saturday, March 15, 2025

You Can Say That Again!


As time goes by, I realize that there are words and phrases that are no longer in use. Recently, I was sure about something, and I said, "If this doesn't happen, I will eat my hat!".  It reminded me that I have not heard anyone say that in a very long time. Can you think of more?  (Even the title of this post, "You can say that again!" refers to what one used to say when someone made a statement, and you were in total and complete agreement.) 

                     "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it". 

                                (243 steps across, I counted!)

                    This photo is of a pleasant canitude.  (Meaning whiteness or greyness).

               "Fences make good neighbors".  (From a poem by Robert Frost, I think)

I know that I told you that the title of this post reminded me of what we used to say when we agreed with someone but what really brought that to mind was the birdsong we heard on a walk.  You have heard of the mockingbird, it is called that because it repeats the songs of other birds.  It normally repeats three times.  If you hear a bird repeating TWICE, then you are hearing the brown thrasher!  It was the brown thrasher that we heard, such clear beautiful sounds.  And I wanted to say, "You can say that again!".  

The brown thrasher is also very welcome in our back yard! Look at that tail! Such a gorgeous bird. I think I have told you before that all the states have their own state birds. Georgia is the only one that chose the brown thrasher. I read somewhere that it was chosen by Georgia schoolchildren in the 1920's.  I don't know if that is true, but I like that story and I hope that it is.

We normally drive a few miles to get to a walking trail. Recently, some wild turkeys were beside the road.  I snapped a quick photo, but I asked Richard if he could take a few shots from his side of the car.  Since there was no traffic, he did so....

THIS was my favorite!  Isn't it wonderful?  You can say that again!

Chas & Dave! I have told you my admiration for them before. Sadly, Chas died a few years ago.  Dave Peacock seems to endorse this cover band, The Rokney Rebels.  I really love to see young people do great covers, don't you?  

Of course, Chas & Dave can still be found on YouTube! Don't forget!

The following song lyrics for you:

"Mustn't grumble, you cry and you cry all alone. Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry all alone."

"Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think. Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink.  The years go by, as quickly as a wink.  Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it's later than you think!"

We are trying to go through lots of "stuff" we have accumulated over the years. A LOT of it is associated with our son! But honestly, it was all so doggone cute! Just look at this Wallace and Gromit toothbrush holder!  

Hope you are all doing well, my friends.  March is marching on by!