Friday, February 28, 2025

Love Will Steer the Stars

  See the planets all lined up tonight!  

Seven of the planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (along with the Moon!) will align in the night sky just after dusk today.  (February 28th).  Isn't that wonderful?  This might be a bit later in other parts of the world, I think it is next week for Europe. Check out your part of the world to see when you may see this viewing!

Now, did this make anyone start singing a song? You know I did!  

"When the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, Then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars". 

"Age of Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In" was a huge hit in 1969. It spent six weeks at number one on the charts in the spring of that year. The song came from the musical "Hair".  Anyone else remember this? The 5th Dimension was the group behind the hit.  Two of the singers from that group, Billy Davis, Jr and Marilyn McCoo married and have been together for fifty years. Isn't that great? 

Reading just a bit about this couple, they released an album in 2021, "Blackbird Lennon -McCartney Icons". Just as the title suggests, they are singing songs by the Beatles!  Of course, you know that means that they have good taste. Just an aside here, I once saw them on a plane in the early 1980's.  We had stopped in Las Vegas, just for a stopover and they got off the plane in Vegas!  (I was on a plane headed to Reno. The only time I ever went there, and I got to see Lake Tahoe. I think that lake might be the prettiest lake ever- the clear, deep blue of that water! I have never forgotten it.)

Just a few sky photos for you above.  Hey, the planets don't have to align for me to look up.  I find the skies amazing all the time!

 (Another sky photo for you - it is a picture of a circumhorizontal arc! You may see it just here! It is from my blogging friend in Germany!)


  Oh, that peace would guide the planets and love would steer the stars! 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

When All the World Is a Hopeless Jumble ( Songs!)


(Not one but THREE videos here!)

You all know the lovely song "Over the Rainbow" from "The Wizard of Oz" sung so wistfully by the young Judy Garland with her little dog Toto with her.  Did you know that the man who wrote the lyrics (the marvelous Yip Yarburg) also wrote an introductory verse that began with "When all the world is a hopeless jumble"? It is sometimes included in some theatrical productions of "The Wizard of Oz". Several artists have also recorded it with this verse and is in the original sheet music.  (Anybody remember sheet music? I do.)

"Somewhere Only We Know" is a song by a British band that I really like a lot, Keane.  The song "Somewhere Only We Know" was released in February 2004 as a single from their album, "Hopes and Fears".  The album was released in May of 2004 and went on to become one of the UK's best-selling albums.  You can spend a lot of time listening to covers of this song. (Ask me how I know!) I will save you a lot of time and tell you that one of my favorites is one that I have shared with you above.  All those dear children!  Did you know I love kids? I do!  I want to take every one of those kids home with me! There is a great feeling of hope that you sense when you listen to them sing.  (And I also loved those playing the piano, guitar, drums and violin in the background, also kids!) 

Did anybody watch the 50th Anniversary of Saturday Night Live?  It was 3 HOURS LONG.  We recorded it to watch later. Of course, it must have run over its allotted time because we didn't get Paul McCartney at the end!  Oh well, there's always YouTube!

Am I the only one to think that the show was mostly terrible? I didn't find any of the skits funny. I am old and perhaps a fuddy-duddy but I am okay with that.  I think maybe even using the word "fuddy-duddy" might just show you my personality. I just had my hair cut and the hairdresser cut my hair shorter on one side. It might not have been her fault. I think I am just looking at the world askance just now.  ("Askance- with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval.  Yep, that's me!)

Sir Paul McCartney's performance from the SNL 50th.  (We used to say our words but now "Saturday Night Live" is "SNL".) Gotta roll with the times and abbreviate everything now, I keep telling myself!

"If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why oh why, can't I?"

So nice of these bluebirds to visit us just so I can have them in this post!

Keane from Glastonbury 2024.  You know I had to have this on here. The lead singer, Tom Chaplin, has such an amazing voice! And the crowd singing along!  Wish I could have been there.  I would have been singing too! 

HOPE you are all doing well and making it through February!  It is very cold here in the Metro Atlanta area today, it MIGHT make it above freezing! Supposed to be in the 70's next week though! Hoping that forecast is correct.

Hope is such a lovely thing, don't you agree?

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The North Wind Doth Blow (And There Shall Be Snow)


The North wind doth blow

and we shall have snow.

And what will the robin do then, poor thing?

He will sit in a barn and keep himself warm

and hide his head in his wing, poor thing!

Mother Goose was a favorite of mine growing up and sometimes phrases come to me unexpectedly!  We are experiencing snow in the South for the second time this month.  This second snow, we didn't get nearly as much snow in Georgia as they did in Louisiana or Florida! (Did you see the photos from Pensacola Beach, Fl and New Orleans, La? Wow!) Still, because we had that cold, cold air already, once the snow fell, it made our roads in the Atlanta area very dangerous. Our temps have not gotten above freezing for the past 72 hours. We are being told to stay indoors here in our county as some roads that are very icy have been closed. 

So, what to do? Why, feed the birds, of course! And enjoy their antics! And that poem about the robin being cold?  Well, I am sure you all know that birds keep themselves warm by FLUFFING up their feathers! I remember seeing a robin in England that was so puffed up, it reminded me of a tennis ball! 

Still, this cold weather makes it difficult to do our outdoor walking, so it seems that January has lasted forever. (We have walked in below freezing weather with a stiff wind upon us, and THAT is what made me think of that Mother Goose poem!)  Now, is there something that defines January going on for a very long time?  Surely there must be!

Thirty days hath September,

April, June and November.

Unless a leap year is its fate

February hath twenty -eight.

All the rest hath three days more,

excepting January,

which hath six thousand,

one hundred and eighty-four.     

Ha! Isn't that funny?  I swear that would not have made me laugh any other January except this one in 2025!   The poem is by Brian Bilston and he is a Brit! Personally, I think we need to find more things to make us laugh these days.  (Or at least giggle and guffaw a bit!)  Tee hee, if you look up that poet on his website, on the "about" section, he simply states, "I write poems".  There, enough said! Here is his website:   Brian Bilston   His list of unpublished poems is pretty funny.

These are photos of the first snow we had which was much better at making a snowman!  This poor guy was melting after 2 days in the sun but I bet he looked great when he was new! It was fun to drive past all the yards with the snowmen proudly still standing! You can just imagine how much fun the kids had in making them. 

I even made a very small snowman with sunflower seeds for eyes....

Can you see that the cardinal has found the "eyes" of the snowman? "Thank you!", the female cardinal seems to be saying!

Do you need to paint something white? I think "snowman's bone" would be very white, don't you? 

                          Stay warm!  And January will be over soon! 

Hey! I wrote a post in 2017 about the most snow that I had ever seen. We drove through a blizzard in South Georgia in 1973. You may read it just  here!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

With Love and Respect -Jimmy Carter, Our 39th President


The State Funeral was held for Jimmy Carter today at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.  I found it to be very moving.

 In case you missed it, it is on YouTube from several sources. I have it above for you. I think it was just over 3 1/2 hours, but it is absolutely worth watching every minute, I promise.  If you don't have time to watch it all, just go forward until you are at the 2:44 time.  That is when Andy Young delivered the Homily.  Please, be sure and listen to that. (For some reason, the camera is mostly on the ex-Presidents at that time, but it is Andy Young that I want you to hear.) As one of the TV announcers pointed out afterwards, Andy Young spoke most eloquently and without looking at any notes.

As you all know, Jimmy Carter was from Plains, Georgia. (Although he really was from a place even smaller, a community about 3 miles from Plains called "Archery".)  He wrote of his upbringing during the Depression in his book, "An Hour Before Daylight". I highly recommend it!

                  Washington, D.C.  -  Jan. 8, 2025  (When Jimmy Carter was lying in state at the Capitol) Richard got this photo from the TV because I asked him to take it! Look at the heavenly sunset.

With love and respect, that is one of the phrases that I remember from this service.  It is with love and respect that I will remember him. He is our longest living U.S. President and the only one from my home state.


There was another service that they showed on the local Atlanta station this evening. It was from Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, where he taught Sunday School for many years.   Jimmy Carter will be laid to rest in Plains, Georgia, beside his wife of 77 years, Rosalynn Carter.  (I am thankful that all these services happened before tomorrow as Georgia will have a "weather event".  Snow is predicted!  Wish us luck, Southern folks can't handle snow.)

"Let There Be Peace on Earth (And Let It Begin with Me").

Can I hear an "Amen"?  AMEN!