Sunday, July 25, 2021

End of July in 2020...

 Hello, friends!

July 2021 will soon be over.  Not much time lately to get out so I thought I would show you some photos from this time last year...

 We were at  Alexander Lake at Panola Mountain State Park and there was still a mist over the lake.

The sun was rising quickly and you might not recognize this bird in the bright light but it is a  Great Blue Heron. It is a beauty. 
The Great Egret.  Richard took this photo from some distance away, so it looks smaller than it really is.  If you read about this bird, it says that it lives along the Georgia coast.  How lucky that it also lives on some Georgia lakes too!
You have seen photos of the sun streaming upon the trail at Panola Mountain State Park...but you don't mind seeing it again, do you?

The Purple Passionflower is a native flower here in Georgia.  We were so happy to see this blooming right beside the trail as we walked. It is the host plant for the Zebra butterfly and the Gulf Fritillary butterfly.   Hey! Speaking of the Gulf Fritillary....

Gulf Fritillary!  You can recognize it very easily by that fake "eye" on the wing! See it?  Also, the other side of the wings look almost silvery in bright light, like a mirror.  
Sad to say, we will not have those bright orange flowers this year- the Mexican sunflowers.  We just had too much rain and I was not able to get them to grow like they normally do. I will miss them.
They would grow over 6 feet tall. How I loved going out and taking a photo from below with sky behind them! AND seeing all the butterflies enjoying them!


  1. Dear Kay, we never tire of beauty, no matter whether we have seen photos of the paths etc. before!
    The heavy downpours and thunderstorms have affected people‘s gardens here, too. Still, we are very lucky in my area - no flooding, no loss of lives here when only a few hour‘s drive away the situation remains catastrophic.
    I am enjoying my last hours of freedom before returning to work tomorrow morning - part of me looks forward to that, but that enforced break was really a happy time in my life.

    1. A happy time in my life...I am hoping for more times like that for you, my dear!

  2. Heavy rains have been hard on some of my flowers, too. Your photos are lovely.


    1. I couldn't get my vegetable seeds going either, so...not too many tomatoes this year and no cucumbers as of yet. Off to a late start is not good for veggies!

  3. Replies
    1. Endure my summer is more like it but enjoy does sound better! LOL!

  4. Beautiful pictures. Vivaldi had such a way with reproducing nature in his music.

    1. Thinking of my father in law with classical music.

  5. We had a nice cool dry week after many days of rain and floods. Your photos are lovely no matter when they were taken! This summer is flying by and usually I'm really ready for Fall but for some reason I've been enjoying this summer more than I usually do. Probably because I'm home more and I'm able to enjoy the gardens. Have a good week!

    1. Ah yes, you are retired. Maybe that will happen for me one day and then, I might really enjoy the summer days! Take care.

  6. Beautiful photos. Vivaldi is one of my favorites.

    1. Thank you, John! Lovely to see your comment here with your daisy!

  7. Wow, I have never seen a Mexican Sunflower before - you are right, great photos of it with the blue sky.

    1. Mexican sunflowers are smallish but the butterflies love them.

  8. What magnificent birds and flowers you have. The Blue heron really is a beauty. The butterfly is so pretty, and you are lucky you have them too. We had lots of different ones here when I was a child, but not now. I do not know why, but maybe it is similar to the fate of the bees.

    1. This year has been a bad one for our butterflies too, not sure why that is but I have not seen that many...

  9. You really do have a lovely place to visit there with all the birds and flowers and butterflies. Summer days a just beautiful and we need to enjoy them while they are here. Thanks for sharing your part of the world, it's beautiful!

    1. I only show you the nice bits. After all, must look on the bright side! :-)

  10. Love your photos. Especially the butterfly and the passionflower. Simply gorgeous!

    1. We were happy to find that passionflower growing right beside the trail!

  11. The photo of the trail at Panola reminds me of this lane along which I live. Except this lane is dead end with only 5 residences on of which is the humble abode in which I dwell.

    They may be last year's photos, but they are no less beautiful.

    Take care, Kay. :)

    1. Oh my, your lane must be very quiet! How lucky you are!
      Take care in your part of the world, Lee!

  12. Great pictures.
    Especially the one of the road!

    1. Thanks, Ad-Man! It looks like a road, doesn't it? It is a trail that goes for miles and miles. It is a shared trail between walkers and bikers and you sometimes have to watch out for the bikers, they will be upon you in a minute and they are supposed to announce themselves, they don't always do so. Always something to disturb the peace!!

  13. We have the purple passion flower here in Hawaii too. It's such an exotic looking flower. We don't have herons, but lots and lots of egrets.

    1. And at my job recently, I was sitting outside at my lunch time just to get some air. It was fairly hot and I thought how silly I was to be out in such heat and then, a beautiful egret flew by just in my field of vision, just over the parking lot! So thankful I saw that touch of beauty so unexpectedly!

  14. Such lovely photos, Kay! You have too much rain, and we have drought and smoke-filled skies. I've had to stay inside much of the summer because of heat and smoke. We've got to start figuring things out. Thanks for Vivaldi! His four seasons always lifts my spirit. Hugs to you, my friend!
