Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Little Shop of Horrors-Dentist Song/Cheerful Flowers

I mentioned the movie "Little Shop of Horrors" in my last post.
Since I had a visit to the dentist today, it reminded me of one of the songs from that movie.   For me, it is not just the dentist but the dental hygienist...I am telling you, she can be the one who inflicts the pain! 

Never mind, I will just surround myself with camellias! They are blooming quite beautifully just now.  What natural beauty are you enjoying these days?  And let me know if you think the dentist song is funny too!


  1. Really speaking after some terrible experiences as a youngster I should dread dentists but, in fact, there's no real need for pain at the dentists. I had to be woken up by mine when he was doing a root canal treatment (I wasn't under a general anaesthetic) because I kept closing my mouth. Relaxed? You can be. Just watch different movies!

    1. No Graham, I don't need to watch different movies, I just need a great dentist like yours!
      I hope you have seen "Little Shop of Horrors". It's a great play, I have seen it several times on stage too, it's very funny.

  2. Oh, wow - not seen that before and it's great. Thanks, Kay! The extraction was actually very similar to one that I endured once. In addition to the over-inflated egos common to the stereotypical dentist, ever wondered about their profit margins?

    1. Uh, I don't even want to THINK about how much dentists must make! Glad you like the dentist song, it is funny, isn't it?

  3. The dentist has never been my favorite place and one I too could call the shop of horrors. Good anyway to have some beautiful flowers there.

    1. Camellias bloom in February when they are so very much needed!

  4. I had a badass dentist once. He was gay and absolutely covered with tattoos, even his goddamn neck. He had kind of a miserable temperament though. I sure wouldn't have wanted to work for him. But he was a good dentist. He actually yelled at me once too, so I tore a strip right off him. I don't think he was used to being challenged. He was always so sweet to me after that. I like to think I established a dom/sub dynamic with him and he knew his place, LOL! I went to him for 15 years until he died young of a heart attack. I felt sad when he was gone.

    1. Ha! That dentist knew he couldn't push you around!
      Oddly enough, my dentist died last year of a heart attack, while playing tennis. He was a good one too, I miss him.

  5. Camellias. Just the word is lovely. I can't imagine them in real life.

    1. OH Nan, you would love Camellias, they are gorgeous!
      The pink ones here are from the bridal shower I went to last February, the woman who hosted the shower had the most beautiful camellia bushes. The red ones are from this year, from a bush at the Monastery. You know I to pick one up that had fallen to the ground...it was a perfect one, and I placed it on the hand of the statute of Mary, holding the Christ Child...very white statue with the bright red flower in her hand. I hope the monks didn't mind me doing that.

  6. Our camellias are just about finished, but they were prolific this year. My dental hygienist use to spend most of her time wiping the tears off my cheeks while my dentist did my cleaning, I'm a complete dental phobe.

    1. I don't even want to tell you all the things that have happened to me at the dentist office, you would cry even more!

  7. With the way I feel about dentists I could not watch the whole thing. I have not been able to watch the movie either.

    1. Come on, Emma, it is a funny movie! Our local high school sometimes does this play and they seem to enjoy it also!

  8. Beautiful, beautiful flowers! We're still at the snowdrops-and-aconites stage here :-)

    1. You would love the camellias, and they are very welcome to see in February!

  9. I haven't seen all of Little Shop but I, like many people, have at least heard the Dentist Song. I wouldn't be surprised if that really is how many dentists feel. They seem to enjoy inflicting pain.

    1. You should really see "Little Shop of Horrors". It is pretty funny and it honestly has great music.
      Two of my favorite things, comedy and music!
