My father is now 88 years old and is and always has been a hard working man. He has been retired for many years now but he still works very hard. Look at that photo above...those are green beans that he grew in his own garden and he has picked them and strung them up to dry. They are called leather britches. I believe that this was done in the days before it was economically feasible to use glass jars to preserve vegetables. (My Dad just did it to see if he still could, I suppose, and also to show us and his grandkids what they are like.)
And yes, my Dad is amazing!
Speaking of glass jars, he canned over 500 jars this summer...yes, that 500 figure is correct!
(And you know, my Daddy shares some of that homegrown food with me!)

We enjoyed a beautiful Thanksgiving on Thursday! Funny thing, I noticed that I wore the same blue jeans to our Thanksgiving dinner that I wore on this walk in November from two years ago! I didn't need the pink jacket this year, but I had it in the car just in case I did. (The jacket is a terry clothed lined jacket, made in England, that I bought on the Eastbourne seafront years ago. To my English readers, do they still make those? I love that jacket!) So you see, that photo above is just what I wore to my Thanksgiving dinner with my family, even the same navy blue top! One more thing was added to this, my brother had had some fun with a tie dye kit that he had bought at a craft store...he had tie dyed the bandana that he was wearing with HIS navy blue shirt. When I admired it, he took it off his neck and GAVE it to me. "Here", he said, "if you like it, you can have it, I can make another one.". Isn't that wonderful? Talk about a guy who will give you the shirt off his back! Thanks, Scott!! I love the colors!

Looks like everyone decided to copy me and pose beside their white cars! That's my Dad's golf cart at the far right, it's white also, but it is a hard working vehicle like my Dad so it is not as clean as the cars! (And look at that sky! It was a beautiful day!) We had our Thanksgiving at my brother's this year, which is just across the street from my Dad, so it was just a hop, skip and a jump away for him!
Thanks, Dale & Ellen!
Steve -my niece's fiancé, Kyle-my nephew, Daddy, Christopher, my son, and Dale, my brother...showing off their beards! (Brother Scott missed the photo.)
I think Christopher wins for best beard! Don't you?
Jan, Pam and Kay...the three Stooges, I mean sisters! HA! See my tie dyed bandana? I love it!
Christopher rescued these frogs that were trapped in the filter in my brother's swimming pool. He released them into a small pond. Hope they are okay now! Good for you, son!
You don't want to see us act like the Rockettes, but I will show you anyway! HA!
Thanksgiving was brilliant! Only thing, my sister in law, Ellen, asked me to say the blessing, the prayer before our Thanksgiving meal. It was only short but I became choked with emotion and almost started crying. You know me, it was from the heart! I am thankful for everything.
P.S. I somehow got the photo of my son and my Dad on here twice, but I think I will leave it. I love them so much and perhaps it was meant to be here twice to show you that!