Monday, September 30, 2024

Bio Lab Fire (Why Me Lord)


If you look at the side of my blog you will see that Richard and I live in Conyers, Georgia. (Rockdale County).  Have you heard that mentioned in the news where you live?  Yesterday, we had a huge fire here at Bio Lab, a plant that makes pool and spa chemicals.  Reports are that you could see the smoke from thirty miles away.  The entire area around the fire plume was evacuated therefore, 17,000 people were meant to leave their homes. The rest of the county was asked to "shelter in place" leaving windows and doors closed. (The population of the county is 93,000). Until the early hours of today, the very busy interstate highway which cuts the county in half was CLOSED. (This made for huge traffic problems for the area.) Waking up this morning, the update from the county was the same information from yesterday, to remain inside, keeping windows and doors tightly closed "until further notice". Chlorine has been detected in the air by the EPA. 


Coming on the heels of the hurricane that swept through the region, this is quite a time of stress for so many.  Speaking of that, I just casually mentioned to you in my last post that a storm was supposed to march up through Georgia, not knowing at the time how deadly that hurricane/tropical storm would become. Have you also seen the news on that?  The photos from Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee are heart-breaking.  I could look up the latest death toll but it keeps going up, there are so many missing in the floods in North Carolina. The damage is terrible. (Regarding that storm, it veered to the right of us which meant we didn't get nearly as much wind as expected.  We still had trees that blocked some of the roads, but they were quickly removed. Our power went out for four hours. Quite a bit of rain but no flooding. We were lucky.)

Seems to me that we are all so caught up in the turmoil of life that we forget that we are just PEOPLE.  Human beings who are just trying to make it through life and maybe just have a bit of joy along the way and hopefully, help someone else on the way! So much hatred in politics and everyone thinks they know more than anyone else.  I think we should think more of being fellow creatures of this dear planet, Earth.

There, I will get off my soap box now, but I just wanted to let you all know that Richard and I are okay if any of you saw Conyers, Georgia on your TV screen or newspaper feed.

This statue of Madonna and Child was recently cleaned at the Monastery.  So beautiful and serene against that blue sky with the cumulus clouds.  (Photos taken by Richard on Saturday, one day after the hurricane and the day before the fire.)



"Why Me Lord"    Kris Kristofferson (May he rest in peace).


  1. I just saw it on our news and was going to send you an email but thought I'd check the blog first. Boy am I glad to see that all is okay with you.

    1. It's been pretty stressful. Woke up to the news that "if we have the cloud to come over us" to shelter in place! Now, it is updated and we are told to stay indoors with windows shut until Friday! Photos of social media show scenes where you can hardly see through the smoke. And we still don't know for sure what is in the air. And the water? They say it is safe but not trusting much these days.

  2. Glad you and your family are ok Kay. I watched the news tonight about all the hurricane damage and flooding over the USA. Big country- big weather. Years ago I watched a very evocative video on you tube called Wrecking Ball, Neil Young and Emmylou Harris duet that really showed the huge impact of large storms over there. Best wishes. Bob. BSS.

    1. The scenes from North Carolina are truly heartbreaking. So many of them are extremely poor. Just awful.

  3. Dear oh dear oh dear, that Bio Lab Fire is not good news and the enforced quarantine bears that out. I hope the air quality clears soon.

    1. Thanks Debra. I wish you could come down here and have a litle talk with these government officials. I bet you could make them talk to us and be honest!

  4. Oh my gosh! Yes! We did hear about that fire, but I didn't now the specifics. I'm so relieved that you're safe, Kay. What a scary time this is.

    I didn't know Kris Kristofferson lived on Maui. A friend of mine just told me she thought she saw him riding his bicycle when they were visiting the island. It's sad to know he's gone. I didn't know he was a Rhodes Scholar. What an amazing man he was.

    I'm hoping those casualty numbers don't go up even more. This is horrendous!

    1. You know how much I think of talented songwriters! Kris Kristofferson was one of the best.

  5. Being in the mountains and neither watching TV nor reading papers, I was aware of the hurricane through blogs but not of the Bio Lab fire. Both sound scary, and I am very glad that you and Richard are alright - and both retired, so that you don‘t need to leave your house urgently.

    1. How I envy you that fresh air on your walks! I really don't ask for much, just let me walk on my daily walks, that's about it. And I can't even do that!

  6. Glad you are okay. My niece and husband drove from Atlanta to Augusta to get some friends supplies, and when they drove back, the explosion and fire just started 15 minutes before they drove by it. They even had their N95 masks with them, still in their car. The plume was orange then. Then the Interstate closed both directions. They got home ok. Stay safe. Linda in Kansas

    1. Glad they got through! Apparently, some folks sat in traffic for hours. That is one busy interstate.

  7. Hi Kay - I did see the fire at Conyers ... but hadn't realised that is where you lived - glad to see you're safe ... it's not been an easy time for the Eastern states. Take care - Hilary

    1. We just got over the hurricane and then, the terrible smoke from this fire which is causing all kinds of problems. Enjoy that fresh air in Eastbourne and think of me!

  8. So pleased you are safe, Kay. The news which has filtered through to us is frightening, so much damage and flooding from the Hurricane. I had not heard of the chemical fire, that is very scary indeed. Sure glad you were not badly affected and hope for better days ahead. The statue is very beautiful - so nice to have a monastery in the vicinity. Vale to Kris K - always part of our musical memories.

    1. Isn't that the most beautiful statue? There is another one just beside the church there and I'm sure they will clean that one soon. Look for that one on my blog in the future! All the artists that we are losing, they must be together in music heaven, having a great time.

  9. I did hear about the explosion yesterday - and am so sorry. My nephew lives there. We are about 52 miles from you.
    Also, we just missed the hurricane - about 20 miles west of us.
    It was HORRIBLE - such tragedy.
    Prayers are needed all around.

    1. Prayers are VERY much needed, for so many. x

  10. I see the devastation on TV. My sister in NC assures me that she and her family are fine. My best to you.

    1. Oh, I am glad your sister is okay! I feel so much for North Carolina!

  11. I am glad you are safe. And you are so right the hate the politics generate now is awful. vote for who you want but don't hate those who do not agree with you. I do hope the chemicals have dissipated and you are able to get out again.

    1. Thanks, Kathy, for your comment. You would think with all these tragedies we've had that we might be nicer to each other. Our chemical plume is still around. It settles more at night so we are directed to stay inside from 7PM until 7AM. I'm old, so that's no problem for me! It's been stressful not knowing what will happen with our air.

  12. G'day, Kay....I've been keeping up with the news bulletins, and have been hoping that all my mates, and all others, up your way, are safe and sound. Please do the very best to stay safe...take very good care. My best wishes and thoughts go your way. :)

    1. Thanks very much, Lee! I just have one question: may I come and live with you in Australia? I bet your air is fresh and clean!

  13. Hi, Kay. Les here (via Nan's blog). I saw your comment about how I sent you a book long ago, and thought I'd pop over here since it's been far too long since I've visited your blog! I wonder which book I sent to you of my husband's.

    I read about the fire in your area. What a nightmare! I hope the air is beginning to clear at this point.

    Ah, yes. Kris was such a talented singer/songwriter. We loved him dearly and will miss him even more. (He was a cousin - his mom and my grandmother were sisters). My husband and I have been singing a lot of his early music this past week or so.

    Take care, Kay.

    1. Les! So lovely to see your comment! I certainly do remember that you are related to Kris Kristofferson. When I heard of his passing, I thought of you immediately. I am so sorry for your loss. He is in music heaven with his music friends who have gone before him. x You sent me "Two Years Before The Mast" which was annotated by Rod. All of his notes are simply wonderful! It adds so much to reading that marvelous book. As I said to Nan on her blog, I love Nan and everyone she loves. Simple as that! Love ya, gal!

  14. So glad that hurricane missed you! The devastation is great. Glad you are OK.

    1. Ad-Man! Glad you are thinking about us. We are going through some stress now with air quality. Wish us luck.
