Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Last Time I Was in England...Soup!


The last time I was in England was in 2019.  The first three photos here are from Eastbourne. The rest are from London.

The last photo is from the Borough Market and if you are in London, it is well worth a visit!  And that reminds me of something I want you to watch on TV!

"The Food That Built America" is a series on the History Channel.

If you can, look at it and see if you can see the episode of "Soup of the Century".  It is fascinating!  Now you ask yourself, what would I possibly want to learn about soup and how can it be that fascinating?

Since I am Georgia Girl With An English Heart, I am someone who has a foot in two countries, so to speak, and therefore, I am curious about how American and English foods are different, for example: SOUP!  In America, it is Campbell's Soups that reign supreme. In the UK, it is Heinz! Now, why might that be? Watch this show and you will find out.  Which do I prefer?  Now, you all must know I try to be as impartial as I possibly can be.  I grew up eating Campbell's soups and I find them perfectly acceptable. However, once I had tasted Heinz Tomato made me wonder why this wonderful soup was not available in the USA! 

Now even though I have never been to Scotland, I was able to buy Baxter's soup in Eastbourne. There should be a TV series made about the history of this soup now! I had a bit of a sore throat and bought a can of their soup, was it "Scotch Broth"?  I think that was it and it was delicious! (I want to visit Scotland, not just for the soup but hey, it is really good!) 

If any of you are wondering if I have been under the weather and wanting soup and warm blankets, you would be correct! Hoping to be on the mend now, thanks very much. 

Also, did anyone else hear that it is now considered proper to end a sentence with a preposition? Whoever came up with this, I am thankful that they know where they are coming from! 

 This last video is by Evan & James singing "Bad Moon Rising"!


  1. I watched one episode of that History Channel series -- about baked beans. I'll have to look for the soup episode now.

    1. Make sure you see the one about peanut butter! And the one about chocolate chip cookies! Oh, they are all good but those two stand out in my mind. I love the history behind anything! LOL.

  2. Well that is handy news re the preposition. I have always been such a pedant about that. Heinz tomato soup was a household staple when I was growing up, and also with my own children. Baxter's soup is new to me, but I can remember somebody was making Scotch Broth here in the past. Our food range is actually diminishing in favour of fast food and carb laden products. It is sad to see. Bad Moon Rising makes me smile, and brings back memories :)

    1. Sometimes, there are things in the English language that just sounds better. I think that ending things in a preposition must be one of those. Fast food seems to be taking over, people talk of their meals and since my husband and I don't really eat out, we don't know what they are talking about most of the time! "Bad Moon Rising", isn't it nice to hear from these young guys?

  3. It was actually never improper to end a sentence with a preposition, you will not find that rule in any English grammar book anywhere. It's simply pretentiousness.

    I really like your photos and I want to visit Scotland someday, too. It could still happen.

    I am praying you are fully recovered.

    1. I said above, I wonder if the preposition ending is something that just somehow sounds wrong and that is why English teachers discouraged it?
      Thanks for your well wishes!

  4. I love soups but am more a kind of home-made person, although of course when you're travelling, you have no choice but either eat out or buy a can and heat it up at your B&B or wherever you're staying.
    History Channel sounds great - I'd sure be watching that all the time if we had it over here!
    Great photos of London and that nice American tourist lady :-)

    1. You would love the History Channel, I know you would! Ha, that is an American tourist in London and Eastbourne, but does anyone guess that I have an English heart? :-)
      You are so right about homemade soup, I am a big fan. Once, when I was ill, my good friend left me a pot of lentil soup at my front door step. How wonderful it was to uncover it! It was still warm. Felt like a warm hug.

  5. Scotch broth is my absolute favourite variety of soup. Sadly it isn't as nice as it used to be.

    1. I only had it that one time and thought it was great. Of course, nothing seems as good as it once was!

  6. I too love soup and usually do have Campbells. It sounds like you may have had the flu, it is going around here this winter and one of my granddaughters was hospitalized because of it. She had a terrible cough and had to have breathing treatments. I haven't found any salt free soups so am now trying to stay away from any canned soups. I do make my own instead, Hope you are better soon!
    Love, ma

    1. Not the flu but it was something! I also like homemade soups. We really have to watch our sodium intake as we get older! Stay healthy, MA!

  7. Soup is fun and nourishing. And you know how I love Creedence. Even and James do a good job.

    1. I am so happy that you like Evan and James!! When they become big stars, you can say I told you about them first!

  8. Tinned soup, especially Baxter's, is full of salt! Cook your own, it's always much better.

    1. Of course, I would rather cook my own but when I have visited England, it is when I am in someone's home and can't exactly take over the kitchen! We have Progresso soups here and they have lower sodium soups which we have but only occasionally. I wonder if you can get that History Channel? That food TV series I told you about is so very good!

  9. I enjoy the History Channel and will look for this episode. I love soup and we're having the kids over tomorrow for soup and sliders! I'll probably blog about it. My sister-in-law is from England and I'll have to ask her about the soups! Have a good weekend!

    1. Funny thing, we just went to Publix and they have a food section of UK foods. One can of Heinz tomato soup was close to $5.00! So, someone else must like it here too! LOL!!

  10. Hi Kay, I'm a big fan of soup for lunch or if I'm suddenly hungry as it's so quick and easy to open a tin and heat it up. Currently I like Heinz big soup chicken and veg. from discount stores.
    I used to like Baxter's but it's often twice the price of cheaper soups and they changed the recipe for certain types so I changed as well. I used to make my own soups but it's much cheaper with tins by the time you buy all the ingredients to make it . Bob. BSS.

    1. Hey Bob! Let's see, if I ever make it to Scotland, I will drop by and see you and make you some soup and you can freeze portions of it for later! How's that? In fact, you should think of doing that yourself! Let's get healthy now, ok? As you say, quick and easy sometimes just wins the day! :-) Take care!

    2. That is what I used to do. 20 soup meals at a time in the freezer but it was three times dearer than buying tins by the time you add cooking time costs, especially with our current heating bills in the UK. Bob.

    3. I have read of your high heating bills. Okay, I will give you permission to have tinned soups or canned soups as we say here . Try to look for low sodium ones though or else add some leftover cooked vegetables to reduce the sodium. Maybe you could have a soup party and make soup and everyone brings ingredients and freezer bags and you all go home with homemade soup! You must know the story of Stone Soup!

  11. I watch that series. I'll have to look for this one.

    1. You would love it! They are all good. So interesting to learn of these real people behind the foods we eat!

  12. I love any documentary on cooking! I but Campbell chicken noodle and cream soups for cooking.

  13. I always keep a few tins of soup in the cupboard they come in handy at times! Heinz is very popular in the UK, but many supermarket brands are good too.

    All the best Jan

  14. Beautiful England!!! I love Swanson's chicken broth.

    1. You're such a good cook. I bet you make a great soup.
