Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Color Pink


Hey! Are we living in a Barbie world right now or what? Wow, the hype over the two movies that were released this past Friday "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" was really something, wasn't it?  Did anybody see those movies? Some folks saw both films on the same day! What did you think?  I know I told y'all before about the color pink but just in case anybody missed it....

The color pink takes its name from the flowers called "pinks". Now this doesn't mean they are all pink in color, got that? Pinks are members of the genus DIANTHUS.  The dianthus flowers have a "snipped" look on their petals. You know, like someone has been at them with pinking shears! Pink as a color only came about in the late 17th century.  I have fond memories of the "pinks" in my mother-law's garden in England.  I have photos of pink flowers for you here but only the last flower is an actual "pink", it is a wildflower that I have shown you before, it is called a "fire pink" and it is the most beautiful shade of bright red.  (Sorry it is out of focus, but you can still see the "snipped" petals, can't you?)

Hope all of you are in the pink, my friends! Across the Universe! Take care!

Hope you are able to hear the video that I have for you above!


  1. Well, now I know why "pinking shears" are called that -- I always wondered! I'm looking forward to seeing the "Barbie" movie once it hits a streaming service. I will watch "Oppenheimer" too but it will take me longer to get around to it -- I have to be in the right mood to watch a movie so depressing and distressing. For example, it took me 10 years to work up the strength to watch "Schindler's List."

    1. As much as I like films about real life people and events, I do know what you mean. It's really tough to see some things on screen.

  2. The flowers are most beautiful.

    My nephew saw the Barbie movie, and he said he expected it to be silly but was surprised and thought it quite good.

    1. I've read some thoughtful reviews of it but still, all that pink.....

  3. Ripon at our favourite little cinema, but it was closed down last month.. We both still want to see it, but I am in no hurry and can wait until it is available for streaming.
    Thank you for explaining about the colour pink! It is my Mum‘s favourite colour. Great flower pictures!

    1. Your Mum looks so pretty in pink! Tell her I said so, please!
      Hope you are having wonderful times in Yorkshire!

  4. Hi Kathy - the plants and flowers are gorgeous ... summer brings out the best of pinks! I doubt I'll get to see Barbie - one day perhaps ... but certainly there's lots of hype about the movie. I remember Neopolitan Ice cream - chocolate, vanilla and strawberry - I bet Richard remembers it?! Cheers Hilary

    1. Oh, you have just reminded me of a lovely thing from my son's childhood. He LOVED chocolate ice cream but I am crazy about strawberry and vanilla so we would buy the Neopolitan and between us, it was the perfect thing! I was always amazed at how he could scoop out the chocolate and not get one little bit of the one next to it! (Is that the vanilla in the middle? Can't remember. LOL!)

  5. Gorgeous flowers! I just love pink.

    1. Thanks, Gigi! I love all the flowers really but some of these pinks are very pretty!

  6. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I heard it is very good. I too love the beautiful flowers you pictured. Pink, they say, is an attitude, not a color. Hope the heat is not so bad there. We are reaching 90 degrees here. Take care and enjoy the summer. Love, ma

    1. OH my yes,it is hot just now, isn't it? Still, the heat brings out more butterflies so we must look on the bright side, right? :-)

  7. I haven't seen either movie but the hype is amazing about Barbie. Who knew that my childhood doll would still be so popular?! I do like the color pink when I see it on flowers and sometimes I like it in homes but I don't think I could pull if off for my place. My dream house won't sport that color..my car either! Ha! Your flowers featured here are beautiful!

    1. Sometimes I see things painted pink and I instantly think of ...Pepto Bismol! LOL!! Pink in its place, I say!

  8. Well, as you know, I Love Anything Pink! lol
    Especially flowers...
    Happy weekend!

    1. Any color of flower is fine with me!! Hope you are doing well!!
