Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Laughing and Singing/September Days


Wake me up when September ends!  (Of course, that was a hit song for Green Day back in 2004. Wow, that's twenty years ago now.) Where has this month gone? So busy! I have THREE birthdays in this month, plus the family reunion that I always like to attend. I always went with my Dad. Those folks miss the big pots of peas which he cooked from his own garden along with his famous cornbread and peach cobblers.

Recently, someone looked at a post that I wrote back in 2016. I told you in that post that unbelievably I had actually got up and sung in front of my co-workers. I wondered if I might find it on YouTube and yes, I found myself from 2016! Want to have a listen? Be kind! Oh dear, I am a bit embarrassed to share this with you, but I think you will see that I really laughed a lot as I was singing. My laughter came mainly because of the astonished looks on the faces in front of me! I guess they didn't think the old gal had it in her! HA!  


A bit of background story here... I took some papers into my manager's office, and he looked very sad.  I asked him what was wrong, and he said he couldn't get anyone to do any skits or songs for that week's upcoming meeting (with big wigs in attendance).  He was feeling the pressure from this, I could tell. His face lit up and he said, "YOU couldn't do something, could you, Kay?".  Now, this guy had always been so nice to me. His nickname for me was "Sunshine". I asked him before why he always called me that and he said it was because I was always smiling. I told him that I find it very hard to get up in front of a crowd. It might be true that you can hear my knees knocking.  That evening, I got to thinking that perhaps I could just take a song and change a few words and sing it. So, I did! Hey, for someone who calls you "Sunshine", wouldn't you?

Speaking of sunshine, it is very HOT just now!  When we got in the car today, it said 98 degrees! Once we were out of the parking lot, it cooled down to 95, so we're MUCH better now!   Now, we have to worry about this big storm that is promised to be on the way. It will march straight up from the Florida panhandle bringing rains and wind. Wish us luck! 

It's Hearts a busting time!

I've shown you these seeds before. Don't you love them? These are in a pot right outside my window, isn't that wonderful?

Dianthus with eastern swallowtail butterfly, also outside my window!

  This is the bridge over the South River on the Rockdale River Trail.  Here's the South River....

Every time I see this river, it always reminds me of the song, "I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water".  Hey, everything reminds me of a song!


Did you see that they found an unknown piece of music from Mozart? Yes! They believe that it is something he wrote as a teenager. That reminds me....

Why didn't Mozart like chickens? Because they kept saying, "Bach, Bach, BACH!". 

 Keep laughing and singing, folks! (Hey, stand- up comedy for me next!)


  1. The applause was well deserved! You did a great job of the song! Everyone else was just a big chicken.

    1. Thanks, Debra! You even made it until the very end. You are so nice; you are showing you are from Canada.

  2. It takes a lot of courage to get up in front of everyone like that. I had to give a best man's speech in front of a large crowd of mostly strangers decades ago. Almost 100 people and I only knew about 10 of them. Managed it ok but thought never ever again! Liked the local photos as well. River one reminded me of one of my favourite ever songs. Ode to Billie Joe. Bob. BSS

    1. Oh, I love that "Ode To Billie Joe" by Bobbie Gentry! I loved her voice and thought she was so pretty! https://classiccountrymusic.com/almost-40-years-after-vanishing-bobbie-gentry-to-be-placed-in-songwriters-hall-of-fame/#:~:text=Bobbie%20Gentry,%20born
      There, copy and paste that and you can read about her! She was only 23 when she had that big hit and she wrote it herself!

  3. Oh my goodness that was so cool! You did a great job - hope you got a raise. You are one brave woman. I could not have done that.
    It is still HOT here too - maybe tomorrow.

    1. I went back and read that post again from 2016, and I told you then that I received a gift card! I didn't even remember that! I bet those other folks were sad they didn't think of something to do! LOL! Also, I could have sworn I was up on that stage for a longer time. Turns out, I did TWO songs! They must have started recording during the 2nd one! (My first one must have been "Oh Lord, Won't You Buy Me A Honda Ridgeline", I'm sure you know what tune I used!)

  4. Well done, you have a great voice Kay, as well as quite a talent for lyrics. I could not have done that, for sure. Oh, that is very hot- I do not enjoy those high temperatures. Hope it cools off for you in October. The butterfly is lovely. We used to see them a lot when I was a kid, but now they are so rare. I do wonder what has happened to them.

    1. Thanks! You know I have always taken tunes and put my own words to them, as long as I can remember! I thought of you when I put this video on here. You see this pale top I am wearing? It doesn't suit me AT ALL, I always go for black or bright colors. I see why now!! Our butterflies, we were just beginning to see them, and then, we got 4 inches of rain yesterday and they tell us we might get 8 inches today and tonight. Poor butterflies, I hope they find a thick leaf to hide beneath!

  5. I seem to remember a video of you singing at your work place, and me commenting whata good singer you are. Now, I either dreamed it or you have linked to a video of you singing before. Anyway, it is not hard to guess where your son has his musicality from!
    We‘re on holiday and not watching the news, so I knew neither about the newly discovered Mozart piece nor the storm which hopefully won‘t cause any damage to your immediate area.
    Stay safe, my friend, and enjoy those beautiful flowers and butterflies - and all the songs!

    1. That makes me wonder...I might have sent you a link all those years ago since I don't think I did a post with this on it, but I could be wrong! Christopher is such a great singer! When we sang together in church, it sounded so good. However, if he couldn't attend church with me and I was alone (Richard always had to work on Sundays), it always surprised me that I didn't sound very good! LOL!
      I think it said they would release the new Mozart music at the end of September, so it must be sometime soon! Let us know what you think of it! I hope you told OK and your Mum and sister my Mozart joke!

  6. I find all the streams/creeks in North Carolina, that I've seen are muddy.. all the time. Not clear like those in New England. Great photos!!

    1. And since our lakes are man made, they are mostly muddy too. Have you ever seen Lake Tahoe? That is a REAL lake! Take care!

  7. Terrific song and very clever lyrics!

    1. Oh Gigi, that means a lot to me since I know you are a true music lover!! I hope David got to hear me sing! Surely, it made him smile!!

  8. Your song is great and you sound wonderful! My friend Rebekah calls me sunshine. I think it might be a sarcastic choice in my case, though! We're getting some wind and rain from Helene. The worst of it is supposed to miss Jacksonville.


  9. Thanks! The forecast for Atlanta is scary, they are saying winds will be worst just east of Atlanta, which is right where we are! Praying for all in Helene's path. Take care.

  10. 98 degrees? Send some of that over here! Muddy water, most streams here are like that!

    1. Would you like a hurricane sent over too? I will send it away with pleasure. We just lost our power. Wish us luck. Made it cooler though! LOL
