Thursday, June 20, 2024

Disney/Derry Girls- "Don't Rock the Boat!"


How are you all doing? Listen, I only have about 7 minutes of energy these days, so I better type this very quickly....

In my last post, I told you what book you should read.  Now, I will tell you what you should watch on TV!  And in connection with that, I hope you will watch the following video I am sharing here!

There, wasn't that wonderful? Apparently, it is a something that folks in Ireland have been doing at weddings and birthdays for decades.  "Rock the Boat" was a hit for The Hues Corporation in 1973.   This was shown on one of the episodes of "Derry Girls", which is a TV series that I want you to see! It is SO funny, I laughed until I cried.

The video is from Derry from May of this year.  They broke a World record with 1,888 people all lined up like that while seated on the street. And it was done for charity!  It is called a dance, but it is more of a swaying with arm movements to me which is meant to be an imitation of rowing a boat. I was most impressed by not only the number of people involved but also how perfectly they are in sync with one another.

Isn't it a joyful thing?  Wouldn't it be great for other cities to do this same thing?  Our son and daughter-in-law live in Chattanooga, which is right next to the mighty Tennessee River, don't you think the organizers there should do this too? There is a massive Riverwalk there, so lots of space for it!  With money being raised for charity, it would truly be something good to imitate.

Okay, I told you to watch "Derry Girls". Now, I MUST tell you how much I enjoyed watching "How Disney Built America". (It was on the History Channel). It was a five-part series, and I loved every minute of it!  You might think you know Walt Disney, but I promise you will learn more about him! And also, about his brother, Roy who was the one to handle the "money" side of things. Walt was the one with the dreams and the big ideas! There is also another man that I found fascinating, the one behind much of the merchandising, Kay Kaymen. Have any of you seen this series? Did you love it as much as I did? I always loved "Uncle Walt" as a kid, I am pleased to learn that I had great taste even as a child. What a guy!

Here are some "watery" photos for you. One from Eastbourne, England and the other from Georgia, USA!

 Don't Rock the Boat!   

  This has taken me longer than 7 minutes to type so, if there are any mistakes, blame my lack of energy!  

The previous record for the most people dancing to "Rock the Boat" was in Galway. I have that video for you too!


  1. I've little or no energy these you're not alone in that department, Kay. I've been very slack with blogging, too. It's been very chilly here, so I stay snuggled up as long as I can...which is long! :)

    I've not watched "Derry Girls", but I will put it onto my watch list Thanks. :)

    Take care.

    1. We have the opposite weather, of course! It is promised to be close to 100 degrees for the rest of the week with little rain in sight. Perhaps that might be part of my lack of energy!
      I hope you can see "Derry Girls"! I forgot to say that one of the actresses is in "Bridgerton" which is very popular, I think.

  2. Sorry to hear you are so drained of energy these days, Kay. It should be the opposite, now that you are retired, so that you could really enjoy your retirement with great walks and trips in the beautiful areas you have shown us on your blog.
    It's funny about the Rock the Boat thing! Steve (who died nearly 15 years ago now) told me about this sort of tradition, but I've never seen it done.
    Walt Disney had a brother? I didn't know that! And Kay Kaymen was a man? I always thought Kay was a female first name, as in Kay - Georgia Girl with an English Heart :-)
    Did the series also talk about Walt Disney's work with Wernher von Braun?

    1. Richard and I still try to walk as much as possible but he carries a heavy pack with water bottles for us instead of a camera!
      Yes! The Rock the Boat thing has been around for quite a long time but I had never heard of it til I saw it on that TV series! (I drive myself crazy looking up stuff I see on TV....buildings, history of something mentioned, etc. I think I drive Richard crazy too!)
      Yes! Walt Disney had a very dear brother! And Kay Kaymen was a nickname, I think his real name was "Herman" but was almost always called "Kay".
      It was not mentioned in the series (Disney's work with Wernher von Braun) but I have read that not many knew of Wernher von Braun's associations during WW2, until after his death. I am thinking that Disney did not.

  3. I watched all episodes of Derry Girls during its run, including the rock the boat episode but had no idea it was such a big thing over there as I thought they just dreamed it up for that programme so I learned something new. Best wishes and hope you get more energy Kay. I know how you feel though as I think back to my younger self and what I could do then in a day's walking, compared to now. Bob. BSS.

    1. So, I guess that "Rock the Boat" is not something that you have seen in Scotland, then! When I see something on TV, I like to look it up and see if it is something that is based on fact! I am still waiting for that energy, Bob! My younger self, I wish I had appreciated her! Take care.

  4. Haven't heard of that "Rock the Boat" fad before -- looks like fun!

    1. Get it started in Canada! You know you could!!

  5. Oh wow! This is so cool. What a fun thing for the city to do. I am totally stressed and exhausted from our 2 bathroom renovations for mom going on right now. I never want to go through anything like this again. I had to just lie down and do nothing today. So I'm knowing how you're feeling.

    1. "Lie down and do nothing" have described my life lately! Hope all that renovation is over now and you are back to your normal energetic self!

  6. What a happy hoot! I'll have to find out if Terry and his sister Noreen know about this fun tradition. I'm sorry you've been lacking energy lately, Kay! Your voice in this log post is definitely energetic and uplifting. I hope you feel more energy soon. Hugs to you!

    1. You know, if you don't feel any energy, I think it doesn't hurt to "fake it"! Hugs to you, my friend! x

  7. Kay,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your very kind words!! I hope you are having a good week!!
    Debbie-dabble Blog

    1. Hey! Hope you are having good week too! So hot everywhere just now, no matter where you live in USA, it's too hot! Take care and stay cool. 😎

  8. That was literally amazing - how did they even know it was happening or how to get there?

    1. I think the one in Derry was at same time of some festival. And I guess something like that would be hard to organize here because every single person would have to drive to the location. We are slaves to the automobile. That was one of the most fascinating things about Walt Disney. He foresaw the problems we would have with our roads clogged with traffic and was a strong supporter of public transportation. If only he could have lived longer.

  9. I never heard of it until now. Sounds like fun. Maybe the heat is sapping your energy. Cool off with a tall glass of iced tea.

    1. Aloha, Gigi!That tall glass of iced tea sounds good, I like mine with a slice of lemon. Might be 100 degrees today. (Goodness, I just read this again and it had changed "Gigi" to "Digital ". What I get for doing this on my phone. LOL

  10. That Rock the Boat idea is great - looks a bit like those chair aerobics you see, so it's probably good for you too! I would like to see it in more places. And I'd be SO interested to see the Disney series. I have always been really fascinated by Walt Disney and last time I was in the USA I spent a whole day in the Disney Family museum in San Francisco. I kid you not. When I was travel writing I often did articles about aspects of Disney - like Walt was an environmentalist before anyone knew about the word. And what huge and amazing ambitions he had. The photo of Eastbourne looks so sunny and peaceful! This is a great post, full of such a lot of interesting information and fun ideas. (and yes, I can see that it didn't take anything LIKE seven minutes!!!! no way. And so thank you for giving it the time it needed!

    1. Jenny! So glad to see your comment here! Oh, how happy it makes me that you also have a deep admiration of Walt Disney. When I worked as a travel agent for twenty years, my co-workers used to tease me of my love and knowledge of Disney World. I booked so many vacations there! I went myself several times but my enthusiasm of sending families there (and honeymoon couples too) was really on a scale that should have embarrassed me but it never did! That TV series on Walt Disney was very well done, I truly think you would like it. You are so right, Walt Disney truly was ahead of his time. If only he had lived longer, how much better it would have been for America, for the whole world!
