Tuesday, April 30, 2024

James Bond Songs Ranked


Dutch irises in bloom in my garden.

James Bond. 007.

You must have fond memories of all the James Bond films!  How about the songs that would play at the beginning of the movies? Now, if you can remember them, perhaps you might ponder a moment and tell me which one is most memorable to you, the one that you might think is the very best?  If you are stretching your brain here to recall these songs, never fear!  I have a link to a piece written by our son!  He has ALL the songs listed and what is more, they are listed from #24 to #1, with #1 being the best, IN HIS HUMBLE OPINION. (As one might say these days.)  

Hope you might have time to click on this link and read this! Please do!

Nobody does it better: Ranking all James Bond theme songs (audiophix.com)

So, what do you think?  What is your favorite, or do you have one?

Now, I have given this some thought and I agree with Christopher!  "Nobody Does It Better" is the one for me! I wonder if I might think that way because it was so exciting in the film when we first heard it, when the Union Jack was displayed across the screen as a parachute! Also, Richard said that when he first saw that film at Leicester Square in London everyone let out a cheer!  Isn't it funny how our emotions can influence us in our opinion? 

Christopher, if you read this post - I really like the way you write. Keep up the good work.  And honestly, no one does it better.

 Baby, you're the best! 

Bandstand in Eastbourne, England

Audio Phix- James Bond Songs


  1. Thanks Mom! And I couldn't have done it without you! YOU'RE the best! Also, glad you agree. :)

    1. So happy you saw this! Love always!
      "You're the babe", as your Coach in basketball told you!

  2. I must confess that my top three Bond themes are "Live and Let Die" by Wings, "Diamonds Are Forever" by Shirley Bassey, and "Skyfall" by Adele.

    1. All worthy songs! 🎵 I noticed the Adele song didn't rate very highly on other lists, but you can see Christopher loved it. Me too.

  3. I also agree with his top choice. Your son has excellent taste in music (it's his mama's good training!).

    1. You know I agree with you but let's not forget C's English father! Not only is Richard a great photographer and gardener but a musician and songwriter.

  4. I love Sean Connery. After saying that I did not care for the James Bond movies. I'm not a fan of that type of movie. I prefer comedies.

    1. A lot of folks think that, according to what I've read but Roger Moore had a sweet charm about him, he didn't take the role that seriously, so it seemed a lot of fun to me. I love comedies too. And does our son!

  5. My hubs loves James Bond. I really liked Sean Connery the best. I liked all the songs - how's that?

    1. Oh you are a hoot, my friend! Thanks for reading C's article. x

  6. I really liked Beautiful Stranger by Madonna which I think was written for Austin Powers... so a sort of spoof bond song. Any time it came on the car radio it felt like the sun coming out. Very uplifting melody. Sparkling notes and vocals. A real feel good tune of the early summer that year. Bob. BSS.

    1. Hey Bob! Thanks for your comment! Sparkling notes and vocals always make me feel good.

  7. Hi, Kay! How did I get out of sync with you? I'm so glad that you stopped by my post. It's IWSG /day, and I visited all 112 posts. Then I remembered hat I was going to stop by your post and get back in sync. Oh boy! I scanned through all of Chris's posts on the 007 posts. He has done a great job ~ must take after his Mom! I have to think for a bit on my favorite song. I'll let you know tomorrow! Take care!

    1. Hey Louise! So happy to see your comment here! You are so sweet. I can't thank you enough for reading C's pieces. When I tell him that, he will be so pleased. 2024 has been a bit of a year for me, but I still try to read the blogs that I love, like yours! Take great care of yourself and always live life with !!!!. ❤️

  8. thanks for your comment on my blog today. I have only seen Dr No, 1962 the year i graduated high school, disliked the movie saw one more Goldfinger, disliked it also so never watched another until Skyfall and I loved that one and I loved that song. Not a fan of Bond except for Skyfall.

    1. Hey! If you read my son's piece you can see that he loved the Adele song also! Thanks very much for your comment. If you are the one who had a recent fall, you impressed me with your sense of humor! Take care!

  9. I'm not even sure I ever watched a whole James Bond movie from beginning to end. I know I tried a couple of times but gave up. The whole genre - action thrillers? - just not "my thing"...

    1. I quite enjoyed the old ones but in the 2000's? Not so much. The one with the Adele song, I thought best thing about it was the song! I find films too fast paced and loud for me. Guess that means I'm old! LOL!

  10. I haven't watched many Bond movies. Can't remember the music.

    1. Our son has all the songs listed in his article! Aloha!

  11. Goldfinger...just because of drive-in-movie memories!

    1. Haha, showing your age here, sir! Thanks for your comment!

  12. I remember seeing Goldfinger on the big screen so many years ago and a few other Bond films before losing interest in them but the songs are always a reminder of a certain era and looking at the list was a time machine moment! I'll take your son's and your fav pic but I have to give my heart to Sir Paul! Good job Chris!
