Hello, everybody! Sorry I have not been around to see all of your blogs lately. I could tell you that it is because I am having a very exciting time these days, but alas, that is not the case! All of today was spent in tidying up and sorting out and I am always amazed at how long these things take for me. Somehow, I managed to injure my hand, it will be okay but it hurts just now typing this! Okay then, let me be quick and tell you...did anyone else see the video of Adele with Graham Norton? She disguised herself with a fake nose and chin and went to a...oh heck, what would you call it....a competition of Adele impersonators? Anyway, I have the video of it for you...if you like you can go to the 3:35 mark to listen to Adele sing and when the others finally recognize that it is Adele herself, why, they are simply gobsmacked! (And yes, computer, do NOT underline that word, I can assure you that IS the correct word to use! In fact, one of them uses it in the video!)
Now, here is my question....I wonder why they didn't recognize her? I would have known it was her, fake nose or not! If nothing else, they should have recognized her voice. They certainly knew it was Adele when she began singing! I think she is a fantastic singer and artist. Of course, millions of others think so too but it is rare these days for me to agree with the majority when it comes to music.
Oh! And when you watch the video...I love it when Adele is watching the man singing like Adele (the female impersonator), you can just tell that Adele is really enjoying it just from the look on her face. And when all of them realize that is it Adele...pure joy! And it made me giggle when one of them mentions that Adele's album will be out soon and you can hear Adele say, "Took her time". So funny! I enjoyed this very much and I hope that you will too.
What photo should go with this post? An English rose, of course!